Saturday, June 4, 2022

Mysteries in the fridge and happy finds

Yesterday was a Misfits box day, and it arrived in time for my Friday evening salad

which was a welcome supper, easy.

Before that was the library knitting group, which was a huge number, three, one very nice new member deep in making a massive shawl, just right for knitting and chatting.

And I'd mentioned that I couldn't find any blank books at the library booksale, so they loyally searched and came up with a box of them, two of which were exactly right. 

The fabric covered Renner Davis notebook is already in use, as my purse notebook, and the other has paper sturdy enough for some watercolor playtime this summer. I like watercolor in summer, just casual sketches.

This was definitely yay!

Then today an interesting discovery in the fridge, garlic growing because it felt like it.

I found that the little container was full of liquid, who knows how. So I thought I'd better do something about this.

Around here, to think is to do, so it's now planted among the herb containers, for a supply of garlic scapes as well as the little pot already growing in the kitchen.

Today I'm planning to bake maslen bread from the Midnight chicken book,

 make stock, bake blueberry hot biscuits, make curtain liners from the muslin I got at a great price from Dharma Trading, before the summer gets more advanced. 

Then I guess I'll take the rest of the day off.

Happy day everyone! Don't overdo. That's my job 


  1. That sounds like an enjoyable but busy day ahead.

  2. Ummm...
    Did you throw down a gauntlet in that last sentence?
    To be honest, I did not plan to do much today at all but the grocery list has now grown to two sides of the index card.
    Love your new blank books.
    My husband plans on pulling our garlic today. It is time. And we may have enough to last through the year. We shall see!
    Do not overdo, okay?

  3. The bread sounds good. Enjoy your day and fresh baked bread.

  4. I don't think garlic should be kept in the fridge, should it?

  5. Garlic at base of roses, I read years ago is suppose to help roses stay healthy.
    Happy Garlic Growing!

  6. That’s a busy but interesting day, Boud. Enjoy!


  7. Great looking Misfits salad!
    I'm not prone to overdoing it; I enjoy being lazy most of the time with rare excursions into busy-ness. I had years and years of making every second count, pushed beyond unreasonable limits. I am still burned out. Now for a little lie-down!

  8. Debra, I think the garlic would agree. But look at it this way: I've never had vampires in the fridge.

  9. I can't wait to see what that garlic does! I once planted a bulb of garlic but it just rotted. I think I put it in the wrong soil.

  10. Heavens! You are a busy person. Our day was 'normal' - laiki for fruit and veg (I, the Tigger, went too), a little gardening, laundry and litter box cleaning. Nothing creative or uplifting like your knitting group.

  11. Will be interested to see how your garlic grows - might be able to attempt some on our balcony over the rest of the summer. We had a 'visitation' from some critter and Resident Chef was most upset that he has to replant his lettuce and repot a few other things. Suspect a squirrel was at fault.

  12. Maslen bread...buttermilk...hmmm, we have an unfortunate quart of soured milk...another Boud inspiration!

    Banana-walnut buttermilk pancakes today used part of it. I sliced a banana thinly, and after pouring a dollop of batter into the skillet, placed a few slices on the up (raw) side, then sprinkled some chopped walnuts in between. When you flip them so the bananas (and walnuts) are down, they caramelize deliciously.

    That's quite a day you had planned for today. Think I'll go resty up after reading about it...:-)

    Chris from Boise

  13. Soured milk is a great leaven, Chris. I use it for hot biscuits, otherwise I sour milk with lemon juice. I don't buy buttermilk. I like the sound of those pancakes.

  14. You just keep going and going...I hope you have a good week!


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