Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Garlic, mystery trees, Textiles and Tea, and Larry

The garlic I planted outside is pushing up scapes, now that the indoor pot is done

Gary planted these, maybe peppers, outside the fence among the daylilies. I like a combo of food and flowers, too.

And the tree that was planted on the street to replace the dead maple needs a blogista to identify, please. I feel I should know it, but can't find it in my tree books. 

Pictures to show size against houses, foliage, bark. The leaves are purplish like my Japanese maple, but the leaves are not maple. The trunk looks like a cherry to me. No blossom. 

Any help gladly accepted by neighbor Karen and me.

But the tree books did come in handy as models for a few minutes of drawing 

Yesterday's Textiles and Tea featured Sarah Saulson, a weaver largely of commissioned Jewish prayer shawls , observing the ritual rules of the two thousand year tradition, while applying her own inventive design

She also creates other woven artworks such as these three pieces, retirement gifts for three physicists, each noting their key work in the field, using graphs from papers they'd written.

And garments like these

Where she paints the warp with dyes

She's also active with weavers in Ghana, Guatemala and India in the WARP (Weave a Real Piece) project where artists from different cultures and traditions work together. 

Here she's showing the strip weaving work of Guatemalan women, in their case to be worked on a backstrap loom

In the course of searching for the tree books, I came across an old book of Larry cartoons, had to share a few favorites

Happy day everyone. Yesterday a brave New Jersey lady testified in the January 6 hearings. Cassidy Hutchinson is from Pennington, a skip up the road from here. 

NJ sends many stars, Queen Latifa, Bruce, Bon Giovi, and writers, Joyce Carol Oates, John MsFee, sports stars, politicians, Booker, Katzenbach (stood up to Nixon) loads of great folks. Alas we also own Christie and Alito, further down the animal kingdom. 

But Cassidy may prove to be the greatest mover and shaker of all, if she brings down TFG. Let's hope.


  1. I confess to forgetting that daylilies are actually Day lilies because they bloom in such profusion that I forget about the brevity of individual flowers. They are great plants. I have a row of them tight beside the driveway, and they do well there.

  2. It is fascinating to see history being made. Quite the day for the hearing yesterday. She is a brave woman!

  3. The mystery tree definitely looks like some type of Prunus -- an ornamental plum, maybe? We have a similar one in the back garden. When it blooms that will help with the identification. Ours has small white flowers.

  4. Your purple-ish tree might be a flowering plum. Nice blossom in spring if it is. The weaving is fabulous. F is envious of the time it takes to develop such skill.

  5. The tree has not not blossomed. That's one of the mysteries! It's mature enough and other blossoming trees have had their season of blooms.

  6. Yes, my plant app suggested cherry plum. So- give it another year and see if it blooms?
    I, too, sat in wide-eyed disbelief yesterday as Ms. Hutchinson unrolled the sequence of events as she witnessed them. History indeed! And a sordid one.
    Lovely weaving and dying!

  7. I hope she's getting protection since Trump and his supporters are all in on violence.

  8. Those Larry cartoons are hilarious, especially "putting the cutlery on the table" and "trimming the pastry."

  9. Larry was great. Loved the oven door as table.

  10. Sorry I can't help with tree identification but have to say it looks really pretty. Hopefully it's a bloomer in the spring.
    Women, historically, have had to be brave on so many fronts. I, like Ellen above, hope that she has protection.


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