Saturday, June 11, 2022

Misfits, FedEx, poppies and explosions

Misfits had a few fits and starts yesterday, or FedEx did, to put the blame more accurately. The Ex is for Excuses.

First I got an email saying the box was delivered at 2.36 pm or some such exact mythical time, look on your doorstep! I reported to Misfits it hadn't been delivered, signed up for a refund if it didn't show up. Next an email saying

This note arrived shortly after 4 pm . I'd call that aspirational forecasting.

Finally it did arrive, about 6. 

Then, after I'd unboxed, there was another email saying it was delayed, would arrive Saturday..

I'm looking forward to the first melon of the season. Not much cooking here as you see, more like assembling. But I'm glad it got here.

If you know the Moomins, you'll know this painter, but here she is in a very different context. Isn't this a delicious symphony of color and the meaning it carries? Color has powerful meaning.

Yesterday was a tired day, involving a lot of resting after the peopled-up previous day. I tend to wear out quickly nowadays. Knitting, reading, little bit of gardening, was about it.

I did make a painting explosion though

And here's a poppy dressed up just fine, because

today is sister Dogonart's birthday, and I have no faith that any of my emails or texts will get through, but she reads here, so

Happy birthday, I! Celebrate all month, stay well. Blogistas, join me in a loud wish!

Happy day everyone, blog on, shame the bad guys, support the good ones!


  1. Yesterday, I was trying to authorize a new credit card but it took them hours to text me the verification cide, bu which time the code had expired. I did know enough to have them send another by email in the interim.

  2. I love big beautiful poppies like that!

  3. It always amazes me how the packages get sorted properly and delivered on time, with few exceptions. In fifty years, will there be any local stores?

  4. Exactly why I won't sign up for boxed food...With my deliveries, all work for the same company so it goes more smoothly...I love the colors! I hope this is the end of your travails.

  5. Today is going to be my down-time day. I started it by getting up about an hour later than usual. We shall what how it progresses.

  6. Your painting explosion appears as if you are looking out a rock-struck window onto the tree in your garden.

  7. Wilma, that's a great interpretation, thank you.

    E, yes easier if it's all one company. In over two years of delivery I've only had one that showed up really late and got a complete refund. With FedEx the messages don't match the activity, but delivery does happen.

    Mary, good idea, and with Mr m away, easier too.

  8. I'm sorry about the time it takes for you to open my blog. I thought it would be faster now that I removed all the stuff I had surrounding it before. But thanks for not giving up, I really appreciate that and your friendship. I'm glad you package arrived.

  9. Misfits is good about correcting problems. I had the wrong box delivered a couple of months ago. They refunded me immediately. I had a social day yesterday and also feel worn out. I may, key word is may, go to the nursery this afternoon. I agree the painting looks like a rock hitting a window.

  10. Yeah, they need to sort out their logistics, it seems to me! I didn't realize Tove Janssen was a painter as well as a cartoonist/author.

  11. Happy birthday Dogonart!

    I didn't know Tove Janssen was an artist as well as a wonderful writer.

    Moomin Fan from Boise

  12. That happens to me - a text saying my package is delivered! Check back & front porch - nope. Check carport - nope. Then, by magic, it shows up in one of the already checked places!

  13. What makes me see red over package deliveries is when we get a notice in our lobby to say that they tried to deliver when I know for a fact we were home all day and obviously they didn't. It always means we have to wait a day and then haul ourselves to their depot to pick it up in person. And makes me even more annoyed when they do actually attempt a delivery and simply drop it on the floor outside our door and can't manage to so much as knock. Thankfully our neighbours beside and across from us are honest folk.
    Happy Birth Day wishes to Dogonart! Hopefully she got your messages.

  14. She did get my text! I've given up on email to a couple of Canadian addresses. Same with granddaughter, never received them, so I message her on Twitter.


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