Monday, June 27, 2022

Handsome Partner's birthday

A drawing I did of him sleeping, with his cat, in 2005. Sepia ink. 

This would have been his 90th birthday. I usually celebrate him today rather than the day he died, in 2011, since that was on our son's birthday in August, and I thought it should be kept as a happy day for Handsome Son .

Happy day everyone.

Photo AC.


  1. I prefer celebrating people's birth days too, rather than their death days. It's just cheerier and, I think, a better tribute to people's lives.

  2. Much better to celebrate his coming than his going.

  3. I barely acknowledge death days of loved ones long passed, and sometimes I've felt guilty about that. But really, there is no reason for that kind self-imposed guilt. I think it's lovely that you celebrate your Handsome Partner's birthday.

  4. I simply cannot remember death dates. The closest I come is my brother, who died too young. I give him the 33rd of August. But birthdays--we always know them. We even still bake some of them cakes.

  5. I Agee with everyone, much better to remember him on his birthday.

  6. Ellen Abbott is spot on. A lovely, lovely sketch - thank you for sharing it.

    Chris from Boise

  7. Wonderful drawing. His favourite hoodie?

  8. Yes,Liz. After he lost the ability to navigate button holes and zippers, he wore this kind of hoodie, very comfortable, and kitty CK Duncan liked to burrow into it and sleep with him.

  9. I, too, agree that it's a better day to celebrate him. The drawing is a good tribute.


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