Sunday, June 19, 2022

Lichen and wild daylilies

Cool and windy and grey yesterday with sun now and then, lovely contrast to the day before.

Here's a lichen that suddenly appeared on the fallen tree I've shown you before.

Here's either mating, male and female dragonflies of the same species, or battling for territory between different species. If anyone knows, please say. anyway a lot of circling and darting.

A few yards away, wild daylilies. 

We see them on roadsides, at the edge of woods like here, always a few days earlier than the cultivated daylilies.

I'm still very jangled about the eye situation, not helped by, every time I calm down, yet another text requiring information, most of which I already gave. And the dox being required by the HOA, who I think have assumed I have a new tenant, but I'm too tired to get into it!  Tiredness is my main thing going right now. 

However, art will save us all, so today was about using a calligraphy pen not in the way it's designed.

I love all the shades of color happening in the ink, depending on how it's applied. Even some flying white, that broken cloudy line beloved of  Chinese painters and calligraphers, except they usually do it with a fairly dry brush.

Happy day everyone, stay calmer than I can!


  1. I love your drawing done with the calligraphy pen! Such interesting lines!

  2. Love what you are doing with the ink, Boud. Hope you can relax a bit and enjoy the day!

  3. What a lovely, lovely drawing. Almost a painting, I think.
    Hang in there with your troubles. I would be having massive anxiety and I understand.
    Oh! I would think the dragonflies were interested in each other in a mating-sort of way. Nice shot of them!

  4. It will be over soon. I know this doesn't help, but it will. You have your creativity to carry you through.

  5. The hassles with the condo HOA are endless. The latest one is just badly timed.

  6. Oddly enough, it's the condo demands that are looming larger than the eye surgery right now.

  7. Skimmer dragonfly pair, but can't tell what kind. One would hope they know. :)

    I hope the HOA apologizes for hassling you. There is no excuse good enough for what folks have to go through to sort whatever whoever needs for documentation.

    When I have to fill out forms, my handwriting can be super sloppy from the stress.

  8. Good grief. It's almost like someone turned you in.

  9. Mr. Google says Common Whitetailed Skimmer, young male (the abdomen will become white as it fully matures) and female.

    Lovely brush strokes!

    Deep breaths, dear friend. This too shall pass.

    Chris from Boise

  10. Thank you, May and Chris, for the dragonfly info. I'll check it out.

  11. Daylilies are very hardy but those take it to an extreme level.

  12. So sorry your nerves are being put to the test. Maybe try some breathing exercises and some meditation? Mind you, I never find they work for me, but perhaps they will for you.
    We have those daylilies along the roadsides here too and I love to see them along with purple loosestrife.

  13. I sometimes wonder why modern life has to be like thus. Was it always thus? Are my glasses rose tinted looking back?


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