Thursday, June 9, 2022

Cruella! And other excitements

Yesterday's library movie was Cruella, about which I knew nothing other than Emma Stone was in it again 

It was a ton of fun, if you can get past the premise of women being prepared to kill in support of their work trajectory, that is.

Visually it was the best. Very exciting action, costumes which should have and did get awards, Emma Thompson, surprises, dog actors, what more could you ask for your matinee?

Back on earth again, I started Sock One of Pair Sixteen of the Ministry

Trying to use up the endless taupe yarn.
And today aside from laundry, visit from handsome Son, and other events, I'll be stitching this

Those wavy front parts are only pinned right now, so that's the stitching I'm planning on. 

I saw a reference to a Kate Atkinson in Pam's blog, got all excited, borrowed it on my Kindle then started reading and realized I read it ages ago and had forgotten the title. Oh.

Undaunted I plunged into the new Rosenfelt, and it doesn't disappoint.

Dogs, mystery, Marcus laying out bad guys, just the ticket for a knitting old lady.

And nature never fails. This challenging character with the tiny red hat is about the size of your thumb

Looks like a Jerseygirl to this one. Don't mess with me, life!

Press on, breathe, vote, encourage the good guys, we'll get through this one way or another.



  1. I haven't seen "Cruella" yet but I want to! Looks like over-the-top fun and mayhem!

  2. Not familiar with author Rosenfelt - will check him out. I am enjoying your watercolors.

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie! I haven't seen it but it does look like fun.
    I do the same thing with Kate Atkinson books! I want so much to read a "new" one. And then find I've already read them all. Sometimes I just reread them.

  4. Fifteen socks. I need a little lie down over that number. You've knitted more socks in two or three months than I can begin to manage in an entire year.

  5. Cruella sounds like a bit of fun. A nice distraction in these times!

  6. It's in fact sock thirty one. Fifteen pairs completed, pair sixteen under way.

  7. We watch series much more than movies. Right now we are on London Kills.

  8. Nice to know you continue socking.

  9. I feel like trying painting now! Because I haven't got enough to do!!

    How lovely having a library cinema club.

  10. Just try it, Liz! These paintings take about five minutes tops. I leave the materials out on a tray.

    Joanne, the socks are a ministry, so they're ongoing.
    Wilma, Rosenfelt is a lot of fun. He's got this series, new, and the Andy Carpenter series, all with important dog participation, and some free-standing thrillers. All of them entertaining.


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