Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Return of the Dollivers

New readers: these are character dolls I knitted and dressed, many outfits for many adventures, and did photoshoots with innocent bystanders, mostly very amused about the whole thing.  They've been on hiatus a while, mainly lying about and bickering.

They had their own blog following and maybe it's time to revive their shenanigans. If you want to see past adventures, check the right hand column for mentions and you'll find they've been around. Meanwhile here they are, loafing.

Left to right NameMe, Call me Michelle, Dreads, Blondie Firstborn, Bette Davis. Of course Blondie got the only fascinator, which caused a near mutiny among the crew. No, Michelle, not J. Crew.

And further down the shelves, tiny dolls mostly gifts

The rightmost is Canadian Doll, created by Dogonart. Look at her expression: stuck here with wooden folk art people, really!
Some of them are complaining that they got a terrible seat, right behind a pillar.

And Dogs on Beds. I knitted these from the Knit your own Dog book, species-accurate.

 Left to right, wire haired terrier, Irish setter, whippet, and mix.

They're from the Dolliver Kennels, under the supervision and training of NameMe. The shaggy dog is my original, not trainable and of dubious lineage.

So look out, reader beware, this is a bunch of characters I struggle to keep up with.


  1. Here people are putting stuffies in the windows for kids to see when they drive by with their parents. The Dollivers have shown up just in time.

    1. I read about that. A bit of safe fun. Not just for kids, either!

  2. What personalities they all have! I love them!

  3. I was beginning to wonder where they had got to, Liz, I was afraid they had all moved out, or gotten married, or something.
    How wonderful to see them back!

    1. Well when I explained that if they moved out they'd have to finance their own lives, and they thought it would be hard to find five rich partners, and they don't work, they flounced up to the rooftop patio and they've been hanging out there. They claim to be doing a comeback as a favor to me, but I don't believe it.

  4. These are so cute and I love their names!

    1. They're quite different personalities. I think you'll enjoy them.

  5. Woo hoo! The Dollivers are back - I've missed them and their antics. I can just imagine what they can get into now they are under house arrest.

  6. Oh my goodness... Bette Davis! You nailed her. I love your whole collection of dolls and dogs.

    1. Thank you. There are other tiny knitted dolls, which might emerge at another point. They're in a different context, though.


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