Monday, March 23, 2020

Bio in one pic

Every now and then, a picture purportedly of one scene suddenly takes on several meanings.

This was a going to be a  commentary on prepping onions for the freezer.

Then I realized it's about more things. The automatic saving of the skins for dyeing, the halving of the onions, no need to get granular about it, stuffing them into recycled bags --  milk now onions, tea now onionskins-- working in art and food prep at the same time, upcycling, planning, all going on every day. Like this.

 Handsome Partner used to wait for a break in the activity to chat, until he realized, after a couple of decades, there wasn't going to be a break. Then he'd complain I was never happy till I'd overdone it. Translation: I haven't figured this out yet. ;)

Like they say about looking at art: what you take away is what you brought to it.  And every drawing, artwork, writing is,  in the end, autobiography.

So this humble genre pic is, inadvertently, the current state of the art of Boud.

Speaking of state of the art, tonight's Guinness Film Festival is the last one I can find on Kanopy, The Man in the White Suit, about a state of the art textile discovery and what happened next.


  1. How did you learn all the stuff you know in the kitchen? I'm always fascinated by the things you make to eat...I've always hated onions but I'll bet this tastes good. Still trying to work on my pantry here and thinking in prepper mode is not my normal way of being...I'm watching The Art Detectives, which you would probably enjoy...

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check to see if I can get it.

      I've been fooling about in the kitchen for many years, and you can't help learning as you go!

  2. I think on some levels we all practice our art daily as we go about the most basic of tasks and that this is a beautiful illustration.
    Carry on.
    And by the way- do any of us ever figure it out? Really? Not many. And that's okay.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. True! I think it's a good idea to see your life as an unfolding artwork. You don't know it all when you're in the middle of it.

  5. Your photo reminds me of my own kitchen, but without the radio.
    I don't save too many produce scraps for art. Old grape and garlic stems are art in progress.

    1. The thing on the counter is my trusty toaster oven. But maybe you meant you have a radio.

      I agree about debris such as grape stems. Natural architecture. And the root end of celery. As I was cutting the onions I was admiring the shapes you see when you're cutting across the equator.

  6. I've never heard of freezing onions in milk or the skins in tea. Why do that? I pop them, chopped, straight into freezer bags and the freezer. Any thing remaining goes into the compost pile.

    1. Neither have I! To be clear, these are bags that USED to contain milk and tea. Once empty, I wash, reuse them and label them for the freezer. That's the upcycling I referred to.


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