Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The new normal and oh well..

I'm very glad I went to the Preserve in Sunday. As of yesterday it's closed till further notice. As are all parks. The Preserve and the dogpark have gates, but I can't see how the others can be closed, since they're open on all sides.

 Sooooo, I will walk in the development. We have trees and grass, so it's not exactly a hardship. And the closing measures make loads of sense, given that we have an increasing virus caseload and several deaths in the state.

Target is now allowing an hour a week for seniors and disabled people only, yay. So I can get a couple of food items there next Wednesday, early. And since it's a minute from where I need to go to get the second shingles shot, I can do a quick round trip.

Bwaaaaahaaahaaa, scared you..

Wearing my vinyl gloves, another new normal, so as not to be too concerned about touching things. These are the kind you use for printmaking, not fitted, because you need to slip your hands out at some points in the process so as to handle the paper without smudging the margins. But they're probably better than nothing. And yes I plan to wash them, on my hands, to lose any  critters they might bring home.

Yesterday continued my education on Where Things Are in the new Honda Fit. Raining, and I needed some fresh produce from the local Asian store.

 Couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the wipers working. Except the rear one. So after much pulling and pressing, I switched everything off, and checked YouTube on my phone. And got the answers. Cool. I just was falling down laughing about my latest ineptitude.

And I have an everything old is new again report:

You remember old TV's with tiny screens and a magnifying glass installed to make the picture visible across the room? I don't but I've seen pictures. Here's the updated model:

I've got access to Kanopy thanks to clever local library, an Aladdin's cave of movies, lectures, all kinds of video.

 But I can access it best on my phone. Small phone, smaller viewing area, smallest movie screen, like an animated postage stamp.

Enter my whole page 3x magnifier, with lights. I got it recently because of books only available in small print, but it's earning its keep.

Last evening I used it to watch The Lavender Hill Mob, Alec Guinness, Stanley Holloway, Sid James, Alfie Bass, all the usual suspects. And it's still as funny as ever. Laughing out loud for the first time in a while. In fact I think I'll seek out other movies for an Alec Guinness Personal Festival.

I did this a while back with The Forsyte Saga, so long, it was like a part-time job. Libraries all closed now, so no access to DVDs. Streaming is a blessing. And movies at home come with a cup of tea and a little something.

I did wear the green yesterday for the benefit of internet friends, and forgot to shove the picture in here, for better or worse, looking a bit dorky, but who's counting


  1. You are a lovely lady. We, the internet, appreciate the green.

    1. Thank you. My grandmother or possibly great gm family history not my strength, was from Tipperary. So it's worn, and leaned against, in honor of Ann Callaghan.

  2. What a lovely picture of you. So glad you are finding fun things to watch and take your mind off of things.

    1. You're so nice! And yes, there are things to do and enjoy anyway.

  3. Lovely photo of you. Happy St Patrick's Day!
    I think Acorn TV is fantastic with their UK show line up. "Hold the Sunset" is a favorite Britidh comedy. John Cleese at his best. Worth a watching marathon.

    1. Interesting suggestion. Acorn has a very good production line.

      There's plenty to see. My choices have to be free, so that's a constraint. But art, and discovery, thrives on constraints.

  4. I love your magnifier. You look wonderful in your green. Since I was totally lost yesterday, I am wearing mine today.

  5. The green I'm leaning on is part of the English paper piecing I did last summer. You can see the rosette under my ear there! I wore mine yesterday but nobody else saw me. So I think we divide the honors there.

  6. My grandfather has one of those magnifiers on the front of his tv. That wasn’t yesterday!

    1. Really? I thought they were long gone!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I tried to schedule a cortisone shot for my knee, but was told they were not going to do any injections for a while. I hope you don't have the same problem getting your shingles shot. Surely that's a necessity. Love the green!

    1. It's at the pharmacy, and they told me to come on the day, they have supplies. It's the second in the series, timed, so I guess that's part of it. And my doctor's office said go ahead. So I'll go ahead. So yes, I hope it works out.

  8. I forgot totally about wearing green yesterday - oops. No Irish in my background that I know of, but still. Glad you're figuring out the mysteries of the new car - one step at a time, but if you're like me, you won't end up using whatever you've figured out for awhile and will have to look it up all over again. Most of our local grocery stores & drug stores are setting aside the first hour of their day for the use of seniors and shut ins. I'll have to test that out tomorrow - DH needs a prescription.

    1. I think the senior hour should be a permanent change! Geezer time! I can say that, I'm one.

    2. Me too! Pays to be 'well seasoned' these days.

  9. I need to get in my second shingles shot, but I've had two breakouts of a cold sore in the last 4 weeks and I take an antiviral when a sore pops out to keep it under control. I used to suffer from ugly blisters before my dentist offered me a prescription for Valtrex (which I've been very thankful for). Anyway, my point being... my pharmacist told me I should wait 3-4 weeks after taking it to get the second shingles shot so as to not interfere with vacinne. And now we're dealing with COVID-19. Who knew staying away from "bugs" could get so complicated?!? Your magnifying glass is pretty nifty. And YOU are a lovely lady. :) Stay well!

    1. I get seasonal cold sores, and blisters inside my mouth. It's a sign the season's changing, winter to spring then summer to fall. That's I good point about the RX. I don't take anything except I use that pungent stuff, name escapes me. They're miserable things. You feel conspicuous and sure everyone's going ew!

  10. Cars are like that - always different one from the other - the important stuff (like wipers or lights) never obvious. I liked to never found the lights on my Honda!

    1. Yes, plenty of information on the wifi, Bluetooth, fancy gizmos. But the basics like lights and wipers, you're on your own!


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