Friday, March 13, 2020

Cheering thing, and, drumroll...the census

Since we're all so anxious and nervous, I think I'll try to post something nice to look at when I blog.

So here's today's offering

My little primula which wasn't supposed to be a houseplant, but bloomed for months indoors,  came through the winter on the windowsill, needed repotting and is now starting to strut her stuff. It's as close as I can get to my favorite wild primroses.

And the Census form arrived, after all the fighting in Washington to put inappropriate questions in, defeated in court yay.

This isn't the form, but the preamble. You can do it online. If you can't, they'll send a paper one. I just hope their website's secure.

And I love this. Two sides, small print, to fit instructions in all the possible languages in our lovely mosaic.

Tomorrow when I'm not up to my bippy in cooking, I'll do it.

Today, in what everyone now says is an abundance of caution, so tired of that phrase, I'm cooking ahead in case I get sick.

  Bread, the whole wheat oat sunflower seed  kind, banana bread with golden raisins, soup of black beans, pink beans, tomatoes, chicken broth. All simple food for the freezer in case I'm not up to cooking. After tea, I'm making berry jam, because a slice of bread and jam can do a sick person a power of good. No pictures, you've seen my food before.

Then I'm reading a Blanche White mystery. Barbara Neely just died, hadn't known her, and wish I had.

 Great mysteries, social commentary, activism, colorism in the black community,  all told in the exploits of cleaning lady Blanche.  Highly recommended.  Woman can not live by soup and bread and banana bread and jam and anxiety alone.

Speaking of alone, I already seem to follow the protocols of social distancing as a matter of course. I have no problem with being alone a lot, just as well. Lovely neighbors. No big groups, no travel other than local in my car. My knitting groups are now closed till mid April. That's a bit of a blow, but some of the friends there read in here, so we're not totally cut off.  So I guess I'm already socially conscious.

Our schools are going virtual next week, and all township programs closed.  The great news is that the water co and all the utilities will not cut anyone off, a great fear when people's jobs are threatened. In fact they've undertaken to reconnect people already cut off.

 The state is supporting free testing if ever we get any, and one hospital system has started the rapid response testing.  All in all, a pretty civilized response. Very few cases yet, but it's all about flattening the curve.

So I'm doing my bit. And planning on buying shares in hand cream mfg..


  1. We are preparing here too. I actually like at home and can stay inside in the winter, no problem. I hate the wind and bitter cold. It would be nice to get out on the patio if it warms up a bit though.

    1. This is where introverts come into their own! I agree with you on bitter winds.

  2. Pretty little primrose!
    You're smart to do pre-meal-needs cooking.
    And we'd all be smart to buy stocks in the companies that make hand cream. You are right.
    I don't think we really have any idea how many cases there are yet and won't until the testing really gets put into place and results are shared. I think that's going to be our next big shock. we are.

  3. What about shares in Purell hand sanitizer which cannot be found here or toilet paper which everyone and their brother appears to be buying in massive quantities?
    Thanks for the book/author recommendation.

    1. That's a thought! I've seen a couple of recipes for homemade sanitizer, using items I think I have. The main thing seems to be high alcohol level. Not vodka though!

  4. I think there will be many many more than we know now.

    1. That was addressed to Ms Moon, Mary Fairy. It got in out of order.

  5. Social distance is no problem for me either, since most of the time it's just me and Larry and not another human in sight. I do have that presentation to do tomorrow, but so far WV has no active cases. We seem to be the last state standing. I am sure it's here though, just not yet tested or reported. We are stocked up on food, tp and hand sanitizer not so much, but I have one in my purse along with some Wet Ones so that's okay, and I have a few containers of wipes here at the house too. We even have some masks, use them when sanding. So after tomorrow I guess we'll be hunkering down. Plenty of books to read, ebay to list, garden work to do! No need to be bored here.

  6. Yes, there's always stuff to do, particularly if you're a maker or gardener or putterer or tinkerer. I wonder how extroverts will manage, people with a high need for company.

  7. What a beautiful flowering plant. I can't believe in all the thinking of things to think about in case we get quarantined, I hadn't thought about cooking things ahead. We've plenty of meats and veggies in the freezer and other things in the pantry, but it hadn't before occurred to me that there might be days we don't feel up to cooking if we get bit by the bug. I guess I know what I'll be doing in the days ahead since I have no where I need to be, given most everything I might have done is canceled - which I'm very glad for. Thanks for the prompt to get those soups made up and in the freezer!

  8. You're welcome. It comes from living alone and assuming I will have to manage if sick. Always have up to now. I would hesitate to ask anyone to come in and maybe catch whatever I'm down with. I even limit my son's visits if I'm sick. So I make sure I have basic food, meds, all that so I can be sick without the additional stress of hunger!

  9. Making chili here today to eat and freeze. A small chunk in a tortilla is a quick taco

  10. Common sense preparation is the key I think. DH is due to go to the dr. in a couple of weeks for a prescription refill so I'm encouraging him to call and re-schedule so he's not running the risk of picking up any untoward germs. He has issues with breathing at times so better to be safe than sorry. Take care of you and be well.

    1. I'm scheduled for the second shingles vaccine in a couple of weeks. I checked with my doctor and they said go ahead, as long as I was going to the pharmacy, not the doctor's office, which is a madhouse right now. But they didn't see any danger in getting it. So I will. And I hope it's better than the first one.


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