Sunday, March 22, 2020

Important daily treats

I think it's really important, living alone, to eat well always, even without the pressure of other hungry people in the house.

The soup I made yesterday was really good, better than previous ones. It's black bean, pink bean, tomato, onion, garlic, homemade curry powder etc, usual suspects.

 And this time I added in a big branch of thyme from the freezer. The whole thing. I fished out the actual twigs after cooking and before blending. The leaves were all cooked off by then. Last I added chunks of raw fish, then simmered till tender. Fresh chives cut over, and it was really good. Also filling.

I never faff about stripping leaves off thyme, just sling in a handful of stems. If it's something like peas, just lift the thyme out, leaving the flavor behind.  Same with roast meat or veggies.

And sometimes I reheat meatballs from the freezer with mash. Diner food. These meatballs were four alarm hot, so the mash had a nice extinguisher effect. Assisted by ketchup.

Always there's a little something for teatime

Here warm fresh cornbread with butter.

Listening to a Joanna Trollope novel today, and one of the characters comments on the odd idea of having a cleaning lady named Petra. Which amused me because I have two, mother and daughter. Plus the Dad. Family business.

 I had to ask them not to come this month, in the interest of safety, everyone's.  I did tentatively keep the next appointment, act of faith.

 I can't afford to pay the whole fee without service,  but sent them a check for half, as a cancellation fee. I know what it's like to have a business where you can't replace income when there's a cancellation. So I thought this only fair, to do the bit I can. They don't have a cancellation fee, tend to reschedule instead. But this situation is different.

 I mentioned it to other clients, in case they haven't been aware, never having had to support themselves with a service biz.

Best we can do.


  1. You are a real cook. I respect that. That soup sounds so good.
    Everyone who can should give as much as they can to the people who are out of work because of the virus. I'm sure that a lot of people don't, though.

  2. I think people don't think it through. I remember during the recession people saying they economized by firing the nanny, or housecleaner, or other people whose services they used, never thinking that now they'd deprived other people of desperately needed income. I thought that was a shabby way to economize. But again, they probably weren't thinking of the domino effect.

  3. How wonderful that you make so much and grow from scratch. That soup sounds scrumptious!

  4. Your soup sounds (and looks) delicious. And you encourage me to eat properly even when nothing seems proper at all right now.

    1. Good thinking. When we eat well, we help our immune systems and feel generally stronger and more capable. We need this, even more than before. I really think it can keep our spirits up, too. Doesn't have to be fancy, mine isn't, as you've seen.

  5. I do the same - even though alone, I fix a hot, well rounded meal and sit at the table with napkin and silverware. Though, instead of conversation, I do listen to whatever audio book I have going.

    1. I think the napkin and good silverware are important. And real plates. It's all part of the enjoyment.


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