Thursday, March 19, 2020

Nature, tame and wild, and being a Good Citizen

Yesterday was sunny, a great day for walking, checking on what's up now that spring is more or less here.

Signs of life on the patio

 Honesty background, lemon balm foreground

Trusty chives returning

 No idea what these are. Stay tuned

Spice bush budding up. This is a specimen shrub from White Flower Farm, not the wild one that's a woodland pest in some places. This smells heavenly when it gets going.

And outside

Some of the daffodils our little family planted right after 9.11, to honor the dead. It was very local to us.

Handsome Partner hauled home a giant bag of mixed daffodils, he couldn't balance to dig at that point, though still able to walk. He pointed, Handsome Son and I dug! All over this belt of trees just outside. Still coming up faithfully.

Well-camouflaged ground hog annoyed at my venturing into his territory. He's to the left of the tree, squint, you'll see him.

Lovely branches against the sky

Indoors the plants I pruned, they say slashed, are responding with new growth

And the sun made art

Meanwhile back at the Good Citizen's Action Center, I filled out the census form, surprisingly fast, they had it well organized.
Probably my last, since it happens only once every ten years.

And I received my share of the ActionTogether NJ postcards to send out reminding registered voters who have moved and have not reregistered at their new address to do so.

 This is my kitchen table activism. Starts today, good rainy day valuable work.

 See the qr code? Sends the recipient to the online place to reregister. Winn Khuong and Dan name escapes me, two volunteers running a massive statewide movement, really have this nailed. Winn is the organizer, Dan the computer whiz.

This is the next stage after the Post-It Posse, which they mobilized statewide. It had such an impact on vote by mail and the blue wave, that a powerful NJ Dem pol tried to take credit for it. Until we rose up and slapped him and his aides firmly down.

 The party isn't helping at all. It's really grassroots, volunteers paying their postage, printing etc.  When you want a job done, get a woman to run it! I did as much Post-It Posse as I could afford, and have to do postcards this time around, because it's cheaper.  I'll do as much as possible.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay well, wave to everyone!


  1. Grassroots yay! Well done!

    The groundhog was interesting to see. The only ones I’ve ever seen have been on tv Feb 2.

    1. Groundhogs and grassroots go together! Daffodils are one of the few plants groundhogs won't eat. We have plenty of these critters in fact you have to watch how you walk in these trees, burrow entrances just big enough to put your foot in and trip. They're also ready to bite if they feel cornered, so you'll notice I gave him plenty of room.

      We don't plant flowers much outside our fences. Annuals are a lovely snack for them.

  2. What a beautiful, sunny spring day. We used to see a groundhog at our previous home. It would come into our back yarn under the fence. I don't know why because it had a wooded ravine to hang out in on the other side of the fence. I looked up and found an article (from 12/19) about the Post-It Posse. Uyen Khuong is an inspiration.

  3. She is a dynamo. Vietnamese refugee family, she came here as a child. What an addition to this country! Talk about adding value. She spells her name American style so people can say it. Always signs herself Winn. She doesn't mind the Vietnamese spelling, but says it's simpler this way. Very flexible. She's made it possible for people like me to direct our activism with great focus. I wonder if she'll run for office. She'll have a lot of support and name recognition. And she's still young, plenty of time.

  4. Looks like you found some good people and things to stay involved with. I've gotten two census surveys, one to me and the other to "occupant." Did mine online. Here's waving at you!

  5. Bravo to your hard work activism!
    I see the ground hog! What a treat.

    1. It's a blessing to have important work to do at home right now.

  6. We have a resident groundhog (also known as woodchucks here) that lives behind our building so we often see him/her out and about. Quite cold here again this morning so daffs are reconsidering showing themselves for a little while longer I expect.


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