Friday, March 6, 2020

Food Friday third try

Blogger froze, shut down and lost the other tries.

So here we are. Not much food around so I mixed a batch of bread, set it to rise and forgot all about it while I did paper weaving finishing,

 see, at least see in a while, after I write the post. I listened to a chapter of Braiding  Sweetgrass while I worked. She's the best studio companion, almost as good as a cat.

Then I needed lunch so used up yesterday's roast potatoes, broke an egg over and called it lunch.

 Fast food

Finally noticed the nicely risen bread I'd forgotten,  but couldn't bake it, off out to knitting group and shop. Wonderful afternoon as always, then home for cornbread and a pot of tea. And a catch-up on social media.

At last got the bread into the oven, but what to eat for supper? The cupboard a bit bare but a can of peaches waiting to be curried. Heaving a sigh, I thought fine, I'll do that. Jasmine brown rice, good.

Then found I had used up the Bill Veach Curry Powder 2. Dang. No help for it, I made a new batch.

You see the cast of characters waiting their turn, and the Bill Veach book of curries in the background.

I don't measure much, just estimate, and I guessed pretty well how much this would make-- one filled coffee grinder, which filled the little glass container.

A bit of luck entered into it, too. You don't want to make too much at a time, because fresh ground is wonderful.

The smells as you make this are just so filling to your senses, particularly when there's nostalgia for learning this as a newlywed. You can hardly go wrong, really.

And if you make it yourself you get the best mixture, not just overwhelming cumin, turmeric and pepper.

They're all in there, but so are cinnamon, cloves, coriander, mustard seeds, ginger, black pepper, cayenne. So each taste is a different combination from the last.

So I thought just  peaches, drained and rinsed,  no need to worry about not having chicken or fish, for once.

Here's the base, onions and salt and a heaping tisp of curry powder sizzling gently in olive oil and butter.

 Not clarified butter, I used to clarify butter for curries, but I didn't have any today. Haven't done it for a long time. My  Indian friends think I'm nuts, because nowadays you can buy it ready clarified. But I like doing basics. Peaches here into the mix

And the little wells appearing in the rice to tell you it's nearly there.

And here we go

It was really good. I think I can add a touch of chili powder to the mix, too. It was very good and can still afford to go up a notch.

Did I mention that the bread was baking all this time? I had time to eat my curry before it needed to come out.

Today it's whole wheat, a bit of white, a lot of oatmeal, and a shake of sunflower seeds.

I guess today was busier than planned. Now there's food in the house. Except I need cheese, urgently.  No, not tonight..


  1. You are such a creative cook. I can't even imagine making all those things.

  2. One thing tends to lead to another..

  3. Peaches and rice sound wonderful.
    I haven't made curry in ages.

  4. It's the first time I've made a curry with just fruit. Definitely doing this again. Meanwhile I have a couple more helpings. Ages since I made curry, too.

  5. You are very inventive! I hope it was good,

  6. peaches and rice - I will have to try that one evening.

  7. It was even better next day. You know how curry does that? I think the flavors blend overnight. Do try it.

  8. I wouldn't have thought of peaches and rice - particularly not for first course. Don't think I will make it though because I'm not a fan of canned peaches. It's one of the fruits that I only like fresh. I know. Odd.

  9. The peach taste really disappears into the curry flavors. It's there as filler, really. I was surprised at how much I liked it.


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