Saturday, March 21, 2020

In search of inner resources

I've been listening to quite a bit of music lately, on Twitter and YouTube and realized it's time to get back to making some.

So last evening I dusted off my recorders, greased the joints, assembled the instruments, most of them, found my stand and plenty of music, solo and parts. And I'm ready to play a bit each day.

Left to right, meet soprano, tenor, alto.
The spare room bed is now a music department.

My hands aren't up to the bass, a bit heavy, awkward fingering, but the other voices will give me plenty to do.

 I have a sopranino too, vital for bits of Magic Flute where it does birdsongs. Not much call for it in my life at the moment.

And postcards to voters are under way. Fortunately the important information is printed on, so  my words are just friendly encouragement, as legible as I can manage, which isn't very. The qr code kept registering as I took the picture, so it really works as promised.

Quick food shop this morning. At least what they have off my list.

Keep on! One foot in front of the other.


  1. Good for you! Music is now more important than ever and if you can make some- do it!

    1. I think we all can in some way. And it's good for the spirits. A wind instrument also brings in oxygen, always a good thing.

  2. Hello from Ontario Canada. I saw your comment on Marie's blog... that your are old, self isolating all by yourself, and an artist! Guess what, me too! This is a crazy weird strange worrying time isn't it. I've been at home now since Friday and I can find lots to do to keep me amused. I don't make music (other than singing badly in the shower)but I love to listen to music. Stay safe!

    1. I'm trying to follow your blog but it tells me to try later! I will.

  3. Our #1 son suggested I register for Spotify - online music resource. So far I'm enjoying the free version -no ads and no doom and gloom, just music genre of my choice. We need to shut our minds to all the doom and gloom and be uplifted for awhile. Enjoy making music!

    1. I will. It's lovely. And I encourage everyone. Doesn't matter if you're not great or even tuneful. Just doing it is great. You can play the comb and paper if you can stand the buzzing on your lips!

  4. Music is good for the soul. It's wonderful that you can sing, something I cannot do. You will enjoy your shelter in place days better with some music of your own.

  5. Yes. And my neighbors will probably enjoy it too. The tenor recorder, my favorite voice, is mellow and pleasing.

  6. Music! I hope you make a video some day.

    1. Unlikely, but flattered you like the idea. I've played several instruments, starting young with piano and voice, much later with violin, flute and five recorders. The only one for which I didn't mind an audience was voice.

      I've competed in music competition as a child, hated memories! I think I like best playing in a group, no audience, just happy friends. Or solo as I have to be right now.

      I did play today a while and will need to get my hands back -- tired and achy pretty soon, from lack of practice. But I could remember where the notes were! And the difference in fingering on a c instrument (tenor, soprano) and an f instrument (alto). So a good start, I guess!

  7. Great idea. I should pull out my seldom-used dulcimer.

    1. Do! What kind of tunes do you play? Is this a hammer dulcimer? That instrument has the nicest name.

  8. Your music will fill time each day with beauty! Enjoy!

  9. Liz! How great that you have playing music as an interest too! What a lovely thing to fit into your days.


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