Sunday, March 8, 2020

The herald daffodil came out this morning, and a young visitor

Here's the faithful daffodil that always blooms first every year.

And the squirrels uprooted the Autumn Joy sedum, so I trimmed off last year's foliage and replanted because the new rosettes are under way.

 Sedum is such a worker of a plant. Something happening in every season.

Then a  young friend stopped in and we made lemonade and brought out banana bread, and he instructed me on  his basketball strategies.

 Seriously good thinker. I think he's eight now. Off the charts smart. He ran the conversation. Things like: what would the world be like if nobody had taste buds.  Followed by a simulation of eating with and without a sense of taste.

 You really have to be alert to keep up with his ideas. Quicksilver ideas. I may need to rest now.


  1. Beautiful! Your daffodil makes the sunshine for the day.

  2. Young people today are incredibly smart. They are exposed to so much more than I was for sure.

  3. Love to have conversations with kids.

  4. I don't get a lot of opportunities to talk with kids, but it's amazing to follow the lightning changes of subject, and the questions really make you think. They're on all the time. No downtime!

  5. I feel sorry for people who never get to have serious conversations with children.

    1. You're so blessed to have them in your daily life. I love to read your accounts of them.

  6. Young people do make us feel the need of a rest! Always good for interesting conversation and imagination-stretching though.

    1. So true. There's no downtime around them.


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