Saturday, March 14, 2020

Clara Parkes from The daily respite

Just Google on her, sign up for her daily email for a bit of good cheer. Sometimes a lovely pic, sometimes a bit of video, it's good.

 Today it's brilliant tap dancers I'd never heard of : the Nicholas brothers, and Dormeshia. Great start to the day.

And my own contribution, my cherry bushes bustin' out all over. I may get fruit. If we don't have a late frost. Or I get ahead of the birds and squirrels. I'll show you my harvest if there is one. It usually fits on a small saucer.


  1. I just noticed it's 3.14. Pi day! Eat pie, or do geometry. Decisions, decisions..

  2. Cherry blossoms - wow. Too darned cold here for such things but I can wishful think!

    1. This is a good region for cherries, spring usually early enough for blossom, and if we're lucky and there's no late frost, they fruit nicely in June before the weather gets too hot for them.

  3. Nature always gives me pause...very pretty.

    1. I live how suddenly the blossom appears. One day nothing, then a warm day and blossom all over.


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