Friday, December 15, 2023

Yay me! A much better Christmas across the street

 So I seem to have made it halfway through my ninth decade, and thank you everyone who messaged and emailed and sent electronic and paper cards and wishes already!

At least we think this is the right day. Back where I was born, homebirths with records only in the official log of the midwife, carried away with her,  the father had to go to the town hall to register a new baby. 

My mother wasn't well after the birth, and, one thing and another, it was after Christmas, big family, busy time, that he finally got there. Knowing him, he'd forgotten the exact date, so much going on, and I suspect estimated the likely date! Anyway this is my official bday, fight me! 

He also got the wrong name, having completely forgotten Mom's choice by the time he got to the church for the baptism. This was always performed asap after birth, because you never know. She wasn't up to the walk, babies always carried to church, so Dad did the honors. 

When the priest asked the new baby's name, they had a quick male conference and ended up naming me for the priest's mother. Which turned out to be the same as my mom's name. Which sent her as ballistic as she felt up to being, when we got home,  since she hated the Old Tom, Young Tom tradition of her brother's family and didn't want an Old Liz and a Young Liz in her own!  Terrific guy in many ways, physically one of the most courageous of men, my dad, but not clerically  gifted.

Yesterday Gary came over to wish me a happy bday and  check my tire pressures! He had the compressor out anyway for the neighbor across the street, so he did his and mine, too. I returned the bday wishes, since his was last week, you might have guessed he's a hellbent Sag!

This is a great Christmas for the neighbor across the street, this time last year newly diagnosed with cancer and facing chemo, this year tests clear, feeling fine! Hence the tree, no tree last year.

And Gary helping unload.

Yesterday was the smallest misfits box ever, missing eggs, 

Everything yellow or orange or pinkish.  Every now and then I have enough food in the house to cut way back on ordering. 

And since I can officially start the Christmas season, here goes

They'd have arrived on time, too, no wandering hopelessly across the desert for twelve days, not asking the way, claiming a star was leading them.

Happy day, everyone, and I hope you get as long and happy a life as I'm lucky enough to have


  1. Happy birthday, that is one of the very best birth stories ever! I am laughing, bumblePop. I guess if you are registered with the church it’s a done deal…

    1. The birth registration is the official township, the church, being Catholic, not recognized in the UK as having legal agency. But once the name gets on the official birth certificate, it's done!

  2. I think I neglected to wish you a happy birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday! Gary is the neighborhood guy. Every neighborhood needs one. The story about your dad and how you were named is great! Everything would have been different with three wise women.

    1. In a way my dad's fumbling first the baptism then the registration, is very much like a Wise Man.

  3. Happy Birthday. I hope your day was one of your best. I love your post.

    1. The day's just starting! Thank you for the wishes.

  4. Happy Birthday, with good health and pleasant days!

  5. Oh Lord. Fathers. Well, I guess yours did his best. But seriously- he didn't remember your name?
    Anyway, happy birthday and I foresee many, many more for you.

    1. After eight previous babies, I guess you get in a blur. Thank you for the good wishes!

  6. Belated best wishes, Boud. Whatever day it is/was I wish you happiness in the years ahead!

    1. It's today! You're bang on time, Handsome Son now fixing lunch.

  7. Belated birthday wishes. Enjoy this next decade!

    1. Thank you, it's today, and I hope for another decade!

  8. Happy Birthday and Thank You! Best wishes to you and Handsome Son.

  9. Happpy Birthday! I love that birth story.
    I never heard of old and young.
    Our family does little and big.
    Here's to a wonderful Birthday weekend ahead.

  10. Happy Birthday, Boud! You're sassy, classy and still kick-assy, as they say! Your birthdate and naming stories are true classics of never send a man to do a woman's job, LOL!

    1. Ain't that the truth! Thanks for the great compliment.

  11. That is the wildest birth story and naming story I have heard. Happy birthday and soon Merry Christmas. That is truly good news for your neighbor across the street, on being in good health.

    1. Thank you! Yes, definitely the season of joy for her.

  12. Your birth story sounds like lots I’ve heard from relatives from the old country
    My uncles baptism is similar. The old tradition was the mother stayed home and the godparents chose the name. My grandmothers first son was named Arthur. But he died. Stepped on an old landmine left over from the war. My uncle was tacked to church Baptised and brought home. Handed to my grandmother and she was told his name is Arthur. She promptly fainted.
    How stupid can people be. Someone must of known about the first one. Idiots

    1. There are families with a tradition of naming a subsequent child after a deceased one. It's supposed to be with the consent of the mother, though.

  13. Congratulations on your birthday, and many more of them to you. It's nice to read of some kindness as we approach Christmas.

  14. My father was born high in the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania. My mother, a tidy clerical person, went to track down his birth certificate. No such thing. She did eventually find the midwife who delivered him and her written and notarized statement became his birth certificate, handy to have when he retired and applied for social security. A happy belated birthday to you.

    1. Great story and thank you for the birthday wishes.

  15. Happy birthday! Fun story about your father.
    It surely is a wonderful for the person next door good health is the best gift of all.

  16. Happy birthday! Fun story about your father.
    It surely is a wonderful for the person next door good health is the best gift of all.

  17. Happy Birthday, Liz! I'm so glad you have a funny and interesting birth story. It sounds like a fitting beginning for a most interesting lady. :)

    1. I think the story of my life started there! Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  18. Happy birthday to you, Liz, and my wish for you for health and happiness every day, and HOORAY for your neighbor's health! Your dad - oh my! And the three Wise Women - yes!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Don't you think my dad was a bit of a Wise Man? Doing his best though.

  19. Happy Birthday to you. What an interesting beginning of your life, it almost sounds like you were born in the 19th century. I'm almost the same age as you, born in a hospital baptized with the correct names, including my middle name, Elisabeth, a name I really like. So very uneventful compared to your start in life.

    1. Life in working class Northern England in the 1930s was very like the nineteenth century in many ways.

  20. Happy Birthday, Boud! (I will always think of you as Boud even if it's not really your name. :) ) You're an inspiration, staying so healthy and active! We should all be so fortunate! I love your birth story, and funny how the naming issue could be solved in half a second nowadays with a cell phone call.

    1. Yes, the cellphone has changed a lot of issues, even in mystery fiction! Thank you for the birthday wishes. And the compliment. Yes, I'm fortunate.

  21. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. belated wishes of the most excellent sort. I hope I am as alive as you are, making the most of each day, when I reach your age.
    What an interesting story about your name. What were you supposed to be called?

  22. Happy Birth Week!! I know I'm late to comment on the actual day and, because I firmly believe that birthday celebrations should last at least a week, I don't think I'm too tardy in wishing you a happy one.
    What a great story about your birth AND your name. Your Dad must have loved the name Liz so I suppose there's that.


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