Thursday, December 14, 2023

Final (!) arrangements, and good plans

 So yesterday's meeting went well and took ages, many parts, and we were in a lounge sort of room, probably a viewing room, nice furniture, low annoying music in the background. 

The young woman working with me was very considerate, turned off the music for me, when I explained it was cutting out her voice, asked me how to address me, yay, and ran to get a mask when she saw mine.

There were various forms to fill out  then print up, the office part done elsewhere in the building, I suppose they're tactfully trying not to look too businesslike. 

I was very firm about wanting the cheapest everything. They're respectful anyway, as I know from the way they took care of Handsome Partner. I'm sending a check in the full amount today, could have done it yesterday but I'd neglected to make sure of my bank balance, and they don't have guest WiFi, so I couldn't check on the spot.

Its coming out at $3,800+, only a bit more expensive than Handsome Partner twelve years ago.

She's very good at her job, discussing her own experience in the business and her plans eventually to own a home conducting green funerals. She's picked out a willow casket for herself, showed me the picture! But I'm still going for a cardboard box and cremation, and a box of ashes home to Handsome Son.

So that's done, and I feel so much better getting everything taken care of this week, doctor visit, house cleaned, cremation organized, puzzle back to library, online chair yoga registered for.  The Shakuhachi effect at full throttle.

I had more to write about today, but I'm a bit tired after the emotional exertion yesterday. Tomorrow Handsome Son comes to cook me a favorite lunch as a birthday present, on the right day, first time he's been free in years on the right day. 

Happy day, everyone, whatever it brings, it's all okay.


  1. Happy almost birthday, you amazing woman! You've done it! Made the final arrangements. Oh, how I wish my loved ones could just wrap me in a sheet and dig a hole under one of the old oak trees in this yard and let me be part of the good dirt of Lloyd when I go.
    I am looking forward to seeing what HS makes you for your birthday luncheon tomorrow.

    1. I suspect my ashes will be strewn in the woods nearby! Almost as good.

  2. "Done and Dusted!" as the old saying goes! Feels good to have it all arranged, doesn't it! Me too.

    1. I have you to thank for reminding me about it. Yes, it's good.

  3. Happy day before your birthday! You've got it all sorted, what a relief this must be. I've told Mark to just put me in the manure pile and let nature do it's thing. Too bad he can't.

    1. Scattering ashes is probably the nearest he can come!

  4. Glad that task is over and you can get on with living again. Happy early birthday. I know you'll still have some moments of remembering, and I hope you can smile at most of them!

  5. So great to have that done. And that's an incredible price. And now you can relax and enjoy your life.

  6. Now that’s all done. Yes enjoy every single day of the rest of your life.
    Happy birthday and I hope you have many many more.

  7. Well done! I can see that it would feel good to have it arranged.

  8. Time for a birthday frolic, with the discussion (and payment) behind you. Congratulations and happy birthday eve.

    Chris from Boise

  9. You've reminded me: at a forestry conference I heard a presentation about "green" burials and the various sorts of biodegradable containers. One was felted wool!

    1. The wicker ones are beautiful, perfectly biodegradable, too.

  10. Happy Birthday for yesterday and it's is prudent to make your wishes known. Well done on thinking ahead.

  11. It didn't really take any time at all when my niece and brother and I went to the funeral home to arrange and pay for my sister's cremation, just filling out a form which the guy did and handing over the credit card. it was over $3,000 for the same cardboard box, no frills, no viewing so no embalmment, but not as much as yours.

    Happy birthday and how nice to have HS on the actual day.

  12. I'm so glad for you that this is all done and behind you! Now on to enjoying a life free of such matters hanging over you. You must feel that a weight has been lifted!

    Happy early birthday!

  13. Good for you for getting your final arrangements made. I'm sure many bereaved people wish their loved ones had been so considerate. I know it's a mental strain to go through all the decisions but I also know it's a huge relief to know that neither you or Handsome Son will have to worry about it.

    1. Yes, hard at the time, but one big thing done.


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