Sunday, December 3, 2023

No ice is good news and food happens

 An older person's view of the weather forecast

No ice! This is big.

Lately I've been cooking good meals but not photogenic ones. Ground turkey with cannellini beans, that kind of good stuff, and my food designer never turned up, again, so you didn't get the benefit.

Yesterday I did make something to show you, very simple, not up to anything elaborate at the moment, a tired time of year.

Broccoli/tomato sauce with penne and a lot of Serrano peppers diced in, big grind of long red pepper.  Enough for three meals, always a plus, that I can heat and eat.

This probably has an Italian name, penne primavera or something. 

Yesterday saw a bit of free cycling, lights which I've had around for ages, wrong size for outside, my original intent, wouldn't charge adequately indoors, my backup plan, too late for a return for refund, my backup backup plan. 

So they went to the first of a horde of requesters, within a couple of hours of posting. Even without pictures, sometimes the site won't, though when that happens I offer to email them.

And, the Izzy dolls moving right along, I did send for a different shade of possible face-colored yarn, and this arrived

Looking like clay or something, and at first I didn't realize what it was, since the package was so shrunken you couldn't read the words. I did find "yarn" and all became clear. Vacuum packed! After I managed to find a way in without cutting the yarn, it sprang to life

Made in Turkey, like a lot of yarns. It seems to be a  thriving Turkish industry.

Happy day, everyone, whatever mysterious packages it holds for you. Like the surprise big Izzy, the result of picking up the wrong, too big, needles, but what's a manufacturing glitch between friends?


  1. lI guess it's time for me to get out at least some of the holiday decorations. No lights though. And no trees (we used to do three) thanks to the cats. I do love your Izzy dolls.

    1. Cats and decorations don't play well. At least the cats play all too well..

  2. I fixed an easy and fairly quick meal with penne pasta, garlic, red pepper flakes, grape tomatoes, green olives, and spinach. very tasty.

    1. Sounds related to mine. Complete with green vegetables!

  3. We both had tomato sauce with peppers and pasta yesterday! I like the manufacturing glitch. We don't have snow or ice yet.

    1. It was your post that reminded me about the sauce!

  4. It's getting messy here -- ice and snow and what not.

    1. Rather you than me, but don't get carried away clearing walkways.

  5. Big Izzy is protecting all the Little Izzies from bullies.

  6. I’ve never seen yarn packaged that way. You educate us as usual, Boud.

    1. Me neither. I actually looked at the package to see if it was supposed to be for me, before it dawned on me. This saves a ton of shipping space as well as protecting from chewing insects.

  7. Frankly, I like the bigger doll. Why not knit them in different sizes? Vacuum packed wool is a new one on me.

    1. The point of izzies is to be pocket or little hand sized. Also they're often given to groups, and the idea is for them to be uniform in size, so one kid doesn't get the Big Doll and the others only little dolls. I think I'll address this by making more of the big size, so the box will have both. I'm going by the wisdom of ICROSS Canada's Billy here.

      I'm also trying not to over think this.

  8. You've been busy! That pasta dish looks wonderful and the Izzies are really cute!

    1. The pasta is so handy. Filling! I do need capers. I'd add them in.

  9. Food that isn’t insta worthy is usually the best tasting food.
    I did think you had bought clay and wondered what you were up too lol

    1. Yes, I couldn't remember having any clay related plans. I've found that some dull looking food can be terrific if it's spicy.

  10. I like the big Izzy! Good job on more freecycling. I should do some of that myself. (I feel like I say that every time you mention it.)

    1. Yes, you do, and a couple of days later you're showing us a wonderful find you made on the street!

  11. The Izzy dolls are really very nice, Boud, and even nicer that they were handmade by you and i rather liked the different sizes too! Simple dishes with pasta and tomato and veggies are always easy and good and leftovers are among my favorites too. We had a roast pork loin and sweet potato one night and leftover pork with wild rice and dried cranberries the second night, but not right in a row.

    1. I like the pasta and vegetables standby, too. Thanks for the nice words about the Izzies.

  12. Freecycling used to be a thing here, and we benefitted both in the getting rid of, and once receiving a table saw that we gave to one of our sons - the givers were happy about that. Anyway, like Steve above, every time you write about Freecycling I wonder if there is still a group here. At one point I know it dwindled to not much. Should check on it.

    1. It's one of those things you think about checking into. One of these days.

  13. I think we all need a surprise Big Izzy in our lives.

  14. That penne primavera looks mighty good. I've had a version of that for supper often. The Izzy dolls are keepers, all.

    1. I think if pasta didn't exist we'd have to invent it!

  15. No ice is definitely good news - and dolls looks like parents and children.

    1. Now that's an interesting take on the dolls. Noted.

  16. That's the great thing about this time of year - getting parcels and having no idea what is in them. Like Christmas every day. Love the Izzys

    1. Since I frequently forget when I've ordered items, they're usually a surprise.

  17. I can see yarn being packaged that way for shipping, particularly when the cost is generally according to size. When we're shipping things out to our family in BC I often put things into those space bags and take the air out in order to save space.

    1. It's fun to puncture the bag and see the contents spring to life.


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