Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lovely day to start my year

 Yesterday was full of wishes and greetings and visits, thank you for your part,  with more to come next week. Handsome son brought lunch he'd made, chicken breast, garlic, mozzarella melted with big crisp rolls. Dessert was a miniature Italian fruited bread, a gift from my cleaning family. 

Lovely afternoon, and he brought down the box of little Christmas ornaments and set them up around the place.

He also accepted my printer and scanner to replace his non working ones, which he will take to be recycled. I never use them nowadays. And we made Christmas day plans, another easy dinner.

Then later, in the evening, Gary and the well neighbor came over with cake and cream and ice cream, to wish me. We had a lovely evening chatting and eating cake, and she accepted an artwork she loves, a stitched piece, for her house. 

I talked about why this was fine for me, too, overcame her hesitancy, and she went away happy. It's a good artwork that's been exhibited, admired, and came home with me. Now it's where it's loved, yay!

Gary was a bit dismayed about my plans to move the big plants to the library, but was persuaded it's okay. He hates change unless he's doing it!

All in all, one of the best birthdays. Just what I like, home, chatting with one or two people, good food. I'm very lucky.

Interesting that I managed free cycling even yesterday!

Happy day, everyone, and go find this video on YouTube, my favorite school nativity play ever

Talk about fighting the good fight!

Photo AC


  1. I'm so glad your day was fantastic. You are loved. The food sounds fabulous.

  2. It was a lovely day. And I had the rest of my lunch today, toasted, whoa was it good.

  3. Wonderful birthday indeed.
    Yes, it's funny about decluttering.
    There are MANY times when people around us, have the issues with it.
    I am glad to hear that you're still moving ahead as planned.
    Go you!

    1. Gary doesn't want anything about my house or me to change. The fact that he's changed his house, partners, pets, cars, many times doesn't count!

  4. A perfect birthday. I don’t like parties so having people pop in is a much nicer way to celebrate. That way you get to chat to everyone

  5. Yes, m'am. That birthday would suit me perfectly! I'm so glad you got just what you wanted. You have a little creche too! You need a Buddha.
    I've seen that video but I want to see it again and will. Thanks.

    1. I have three creches, the bigger figures, the smaller ones, two babies there, and a tiny hanging wooden ornament one.

  6. Glad your special day was a great one! You deserve it, Boud.

  7. Oh, that plant idea is a good one. We've toyed with moving some of our larger plants to the school library. They ARE outgrowing our space.

  8. Happy birthday, December sister. I am skipping my birthday this year. Yours suits me just fine.

  9. Yay! Sounds perfect. Many more to come I hope.

    1. I hope so, as long as I feel as well as now anyway.

  10. So glad your neighbor got comfortable with taking your artwork that she loves. That must feel so gratifying to you. Yours sounds like the kind of day I'd love to have on my birthday. :)

    1. It worked out so well on many fronts. That piece is probably one of the best I created, so it's in a good home now.

  11. I love that you gifted a piece of your art to a friend who will appreciate it. I sometimes wonder what will happen to all the landscapes I keep creating so perhaps one day I will start gifting them. I'm not quite ready yet.

  12. This sounds like a splendid day! Merry Christmas to you!

  13. I love the way you placed the little sheep, hunkered up against the base of your lamp, just the way they would be hunkered up against the base of any structure :)

    1. Did you admire the felted stars? I love them, and have them out all the time.

    2. I did notice them :) I have several in my porch windows all the time now - they fade in the direct sun, but they still help keep birds from flying into the glass!


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