Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Decisions, decisions..

Continuing winnowing: art materials, here handmade paper I created from plant materials, quite a bit from local leaves, day lilies, iris, grasses, red onions in the kitchen, all kinds of flowers and foliage. 

Some of it's stamped, some could be framed as is, but it's all a lot of fun for collage, with or without kids. There's a few dyed coffee filters, too and other interesting stuff.


It's very light in weight and currently on Freecycle, pickup today. If you read the earlier text, I wrote before a local pickup came up.

I'm Freecycling this glass bowl,too, pickup today

The ruler resting on it for size indication. People tend to register pictures better than words. They'd rather squint at the ruler than read the descriptive text, search me why.

And here's another decision. It was at this point that I realized I was bored and impatient with this endlessly annoying puzzle. 

I checked and found they've repealed the law that says you have to finish everything you start. So it's boxed and back in the library collection now. 

I might borrow another, or I might take a puzzle holiday. I can't do my usual walk under the trees just now because 

We got two inches of rain, meaning slippery mud. I can walk on sidewalks, not quite as interesting but meanwhile I did free weights, various weird stretches and moves on the stairs.

So, when my doctor at this afternoon's routine visit asks if I'm active, I can say certainly! That's the main advice I get these days, that and watch salt, which I do anyway.

There's worse things than a doctor with little to suggest you should do.

Happy day, everyone, someone's coming this afternoon to get handmade paper to play with.


  1. I've been disobeying the started so must finish law for years.

  2. You are committed to your winnowing. I'm so glad the law requiring one finishes something started has been repealed.

    1. You may have to check your state statutes, though.

  3. You're funny about the puzzle! Salt here too. And I've not walked or joggled in far too long.

  4. Oh, there are so many things I need. Do you have a new attitude to freecycle?

    1. For that you'll have to apply for my highly expensive course called "It's Only Stuff!"

  5. I am so pleased they repealed that law.

    1. Just check if it applies in Wales, though, don't run any risks with the Finishing Police.

  6. I don't know how you do it to let things go. That is a gorgeous plate.
    There's no shame putting a puzzle back in the box. Not everything will be compatible with a person of high aesthetic talent.

  7. We are doing a tough puzzle with sunflowers. It is taking forever!

    1. I was in the library this morning and did a bit of the public puzzle. Just a few pieces. Other people can finish!

  8. "I checked and found they've repealed the law that says you have to finish everything you start" -- LOL! And about time too.

    1. You may want to check if it applies in Canada, too, just to be sure.

  9. I started a book. got halfway, and decided to chuck it into the bin, so I am glad too.

    1. There are times when you realize it's not me, it's it.

    2. Oh wait...maybe I need to chill like Mercy...She got to watch me be sick, not fun today,

    3. Sorry it was an ill day. I hope you're doing better.

  10. You are so good at clearing out things. I have a long ways to go but I keep trying!

  11. Somehow, not finishing things is related to getting rid of things. If you're not enjoying a book or a puzzle or...well, anything, stop where you are move on. If something in your home is not serving you or if its presence is more worry than enjoyment- same thing- get rid of it and move on.

  12. You've got a lot of momentum working for you now, I think! Go Liz!

  13. Your doing Fantastic. No wonder the doctor doesn’t have much to say. Your the perfect patent.
    I’d need to see the tape measure because when it comes to size I just can’t conceptualise it at all.

    1. That's a point about being more visual about sizes, maybe that's what I'm seeing in people who ask again about the size after I've said the size. It doesn't register.

  14. Walking is so good for you in body and spirit. You are doing well moving things along also. I have been doing that when ever I open a closet.

    1. It gets to be a habit, what don't I need, use, looking around every day!

  15. Thank you for checking that law. I can now get rid of the box of unfinished craft projects without worrying about being arrested. Phew.
    I do like that blue bowl. If I were closer it would have ended up in my house.

    1. I think you might want to check Australian law on that point, though. Unless maybe it's covered under the Geneva convention.
      The bowl is nice and I love blue glass but it just didn't fit into my life somehow.

  16. That blue bowl is lovely. I hope the next keeper appreciates it.

    1. She's thrilled with it. I got it from the dumpster last year, so it doesn't owe me anything!

  17. CoCoRaHS! I'm a member of the CoCoRaHS precipitation measuring network too! (And I've been known to check on you via the CoCoRaHS maps when you've reported flooding. maps.cocorahs.org). Glad you let discretion be the better part of valor, and did your exercising indoors instead of out in the mud.

    I continue to be impressed by your winnowing. Are your shelves not bare by now?!

    I have repealed the law that says one must finish an audiobook one has started.

    Chris from Boise

    1. You'd be surprised how furnished my place looks! It's got three floors. Downstairs is hardly touched.
      Is that a network of civilians checking precipitation? Like a bird count idea? Cool.

    2. "Is that a network of civilians checking precipitation?" Yes, and we report daily (even the zero precip days, of which there are many out here). There are about 15,000 of us now, giving a much more fine-grained picture of precipitation than the widely-spaced National Weather Service radars. Now every time you see CoCoRaHS show up on your weather app, you'll know it was an ordinary person with a rain gauge (and training).

  18. Doctor's advice - walking and keeping away from salt and sugar. Not allowed to advise on life style matters. His job is to detect disease and prescribe the right medicine for the patient. He's not to tell one if he should fly by plane or participate in a marathon.

    1. Not too much danger of this patient running a marathon!

  19. The glass bowl is really beautiful. I'd dump that puzzle, too!

    1. The bowl is in a good new home. The background of the puzzle was many pieces same color, shape, so dull.

  20. You are active both physically and mentally.

  21. You are doing so well. I do like the glass bowl. Good thing to reread the rules. Have a nice day.

  22. I do like your winnowing efforts and am hopeful that some of that has rubbed off on me. Actually I went through three (of 4) filing cabinet drawers on the weekend and filled our recycling container. Who knew that it was possible to get your fingers into files without a fight? This morning I glanced at my bookshelf and noticed 2 books I received for Christmas last year that haven't managed to make it into the proper place and realized the likely reason for that was because they didn't interest me. They're in the donate pile now.

    1. It does catch on. I'm currently free cycling for Handsome Son, Gary and me!


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