Friday, December 29, 2023

Misfits, Yellowface

 Tiny misfits order this week

mainly about the pot of chili from World Central Kitchen I plan to make to go into the New Year, with a green salad.

And I've read a sample of this, now waiting for my turn at the library. It's a novel about a westerner, a writer, whose wildly successful young Asian writer friend dies suddenly, leaving a powerful manuscript unpublished. She presents it as her own, and I'm waiting to find out how it goes. 

It's a reflection on appropriation of currently sought after minority identity, cultural assumptions, plagiarism, and I expect more. Very readable, so I hope my turn comes soon.

End Game didn't come through with the hoped for forecasting about the English establishment, but it was okay, much of it I knew from other sources.

And speaking of different viewpoints, here's one

 And here's a favorite viewpoint. I love her buildings, much more than the flower paintings. They're quieter, eloquent.

Happy last weekend of the year,everyone, enjoy it like all the others. I started my own new year on my birthday, with the poem a day. Which I'll go and read now.

Photo AC


  1. A poem a day seems like a good plan.

    1. This collection is good, a mix of young poets I don't know, and established ones.

  2. I have never seen that view of earth, nor have I seen anything but flowers by Georgia O'Keefe. Thank you for both. Happy last weekend of the year.

  3. I heard an interview with the author of "Yellowface" on CBC radio. It does indeed sound like a good, and very timely, book.

    1. I'm looking forward to the rest of it. I caught one fragment of criticism while I was requesting it, "why this book doesn't work" -- writerspeak for "why didn't I think of it first?" !!

  4. Like Sandra, I've never seen any O'Keeffe paintings but the flowers. Learn something new every day.
    That picture of our planet brings to my mind the Jimmy Buffet song "Mother, Mother Ocean." We truly are born of water, aren't we?

    1. Do look further for O'keeffe paintings. Her barns and adobe houses are wonderful.
      I was amazed when I saw this view of the earth. I'd always vaguely supposed there was more land in the Pacific.

  5. It's interesting how thoroughly O'Keeffe's flowers have eclipsed the rest of her oeuvre. I love her landscapes, her bones, her buildings, her cityscapes. She was (and probably still is) my favorite painter.

    1. Yes, there's so much more than the flowers seen on every calendar..

  6. I love all of her work. Enjoy your chili and salad and happy new year.

  7. Chilly sounds perfect for a new year dinner.
    Since we are in summer and usually it’s hot. We have a bbq with salads
    Right now it’s very cool, cloudy and we have bursts of showers.
    So maybe I’ll be having chilly too!

  8. Interesting earth view - computer generated i guess, no clouds. Not many views have NZ as the biggest complete landmass in the picture!

    1. It's certainly different from the euro and amero centric usual views.

  9. Sounds like a sad book. I remember several years ago a bright and upcoming writer had a memory surge and used text from another person's novel (that she admired). My heart broke for her. A few lines going into humiliation is a fear, I believe, of most writers.
    On the bright side, a court case many years ago on plagarism ended with a jugement that it is possible for two people to have similar ideas. Who knew.

    1. I wasn't aware that writers fear plagiarizing to that extent. Interesting stress.

  10. That's a great view of Earth! One doesn't get a perspective of just how vast is the Pacific Ocean from a flat map.

    1. We rarely see anything that doesn't prioritize the US and Europe. So this is nice.

  11. Thank you for that beautiful view of the earth. And, happy new year to you, too.

  12. That map is a perspective-shifter. We terrestrials live on an oceanic planet, and as you say, most maps are tilted toward land and western cultures.

    Let us know what you think of the book. I'll be interested to hear how the author handles these challenging topics.

    I too was unaware of the breadth of Georgia O'Keefe's work. Yet more to discover!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Isn't that a great image? Resets your outlook a bit. Speaking of images, do check out more of O'keeffe you'll be glad.

  13. I agree with you about Georgia O’Keefe’s paintings. And that view of the earth amazing. A first for me.

    1. Yes, I like to redress the balance of the endless flowers!

  14. What a intriguing view of the Earth. Tangible proof that it is 71% water. It's fefreshing to see some of O'Keeffe's non-floral paintings. She was a fascinating talent.
    Enjoy your chili and salad while ringing in the new year!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jon. I do like the "other" paintings. And I think chili and salad is a great celebration. Happy New Year to you, a much better one than this one.

  15. It's an amazing view of the earth.

  16. I echo Liz, an amazing view of the earth.

    1. I thought I was familiar with the earth till I saw this picture.

  17. I think this is the very first time I've seen that particular view of the earth and it came as somewhat of a surprise.
    Will be looking forward to your review of that book. I can't say that I'm overly enthralled with the title but perhaps I'm just being sensitive to the racism aspect.

  18. I think it's the Asian version of blackface.


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