Tuesday, December 19, 2023

At least it wasn't snow and other adventures

 Here's the rainfall yesterday

The middle line is my little town. We were spared the high winds, and power stayed in, local roads flooding in turn as the water moved downstream, continually changing police  advisories.

And I did a bit of spinning. I'm a bit out of shape -- arms got tired! This wool is one lot, and I did some lovely silk mix , too.

Sags are continuing to sign in, and here's a big one

A true home for Sags!

Yesterday I also had a blood pressure scare, sky high readings and my doctor had me add a bit to one of my meds, rest, come in next week to see what's up. So that's what I'm doing. 

I don't have any scary symptoms, other than  anxiety after seeing the readings -- two different cuffs, after resting  intervals, all the precautions -- so today I'm resting. Reading, avoiding the news, maybe a bit of knitting. This is starting to sound like a usual day. Hm.  Meditation this morning. Catch up on the poem a day.

Happy day, everyone, let us return to our sheep! And spin their fleece.

Photo AC


  1. I hope your BP starts behaving itself again!

    1. So do I. It's scary, since stroke is what does in my family eventually.

  2. That's concerning. Oddly enough, just yesterday I was thinking of pulling out our BP machine. I resisted because sometimes you just don't want to know.

    1. And I think that's sometimes A good thing. I was checking as instructed by my doctor who's thinking of making changes in my meds.

  3. sags? sorry to hear your blood pressure shot up. we've been getting intermittent rain but only 1/2 inch last time. and the time before that only about 1/4 inch. so not enough. but I'm happy no deluge.

    1. Sagittarius, astrological sign of this time of year, shortened to Sag.

  4. Blood pressure. Ugh. Let us please not discuss it.
    Honestly though, I hope that was merely a blip.
    That green wool is a tonic for the eyes.

    1. Yes, doctor and nurse seemed ok with small adjustment and seeing her in a week, no other scary symptoms. So that's good. It causes me high anxiety, though. Maybe because I'm usually so well.

  5. Oh goodness - that's scary! I hope it was just a momentary blip and that the doctor can adjust medications to take care of it. In the meantime, it sounds like a good time to do some navel gazing whilst listening to a few good books. Take care of you!!!

  6. That would be concerning but if the pros didn't get worked up it's probably just a moment. That's a lot of rain. Happy Statehood Day New Jersey!

    1. I'm hoping to take my cue from my doctor and nurse, yes.

  7. Nothing like a blood pressure scare to increase the anxiety level and, in turn, raise the blood pressure. Glad you're doing alright now and hope all is well when you see the doctor. Maybe it was that box of cigars and the bottle of vodka.

  8. Prayers you feel better
    Rest is good anytime
    Have you checked on the foods you ate?
    I had a dizzy episode spell with high blood pressure from eating too much black licorice. I gave it up.

  9. I'm so glad you are OK and the BP. Mine goes up everytime I see the doctor. White coat fever.

    1. Mine spiked far higher than even in the doctor's office, hence the alarm. Hoping to do better.

  10. The symptoms without a likely cause are always the most unnerving, I think. I hope it was just a flicker and you'll be all set with the med adjustment.

    1. That's my hope, too. So often we don't really know why something physical happens.

  11. Sorry about the BP! Maybe you were tense about all that rain?!

  12. I hope you get an answer as to why the BP spiked. Concerned for you. The little girl liked your gift to me so much I have had to hide them.

    1. I wondered if she'd decide mittens are for kittens! I'm having a quiet day, so we'll see what happens.

  13. Glad you are taking advice and not ignoring it. Hope the bp returns to and stays at normal. Take care.

  14. A scary moment that hopefully is a one off
    Yes lots of resting Yarn work and no news!
    I’ve been avoiding it as much as I can.
    Take care and stay safe

    1. Last time I had numbers like this was before the mohs surgery on my face. So high it sounded an alarm on the machine. They ended up doing the surgery, figuring it would happen again if we postponed. That was when my dr added another bp rx. This time we don't know what the trigger was, but I'm guessing there's some rx change or addition in my future.

  15. I have a good friend who is currently dealing with high numbers.
    Can for sure be scary and not at all fun.
    Love the idea of meditation and vegging.
    Those are both fun activities.

  16. Avoid the news at all costs. Your political situations make my blood pressure soar and I don't live there!

  17. I hope your blood pressure settles down, Boud. I’ve had a few bouts of high pressure and had pills increased too. Take care!

  18. Oh I hope your blood pressure is under control. Spinning can be very meditative.
    I try to not watch to much news I listen to lovely music and try to knit I am teaching myself how.

    1. Knitting is great, especially when you're first starting and thinking of what you can make. I have to think whether yo knit or spin my yarn.


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