Friday, December 8, 2023

Misfits, spinning and a puzzle

 Misfits arrived promptly yesterday, with all kinds of welcome food, because the larder was pretty bare.

I included sugar this week, and added it into the container, where I toss empty vanilla essence bottles, to make vanilla sugar. Since it works for every use I have for sugar, it's an easy way to do it, and smells wonderful.

Breakfast this morning is a toasted walnut cranberry muffin and strawberries. 

Handsome Son and I did some great decision making on his recent visit, including moving some responsibilities for the condo where he lives as my tenant,  over to him that I've been doing. 

This is a great relief to me, because these are new experiences to him, which he's taking on and will get used to. He'll own the property when I die, so there won't be a mad scramble to get the various payment obligations switched to avoid late fees, at a time when it will be much harder to do. And as long as the bills are paid, I doubt if the authorities care whose account is paying them. We're adjusting his rent so he won't be out of pocket. It took a bit of time and online searching.

I was glad we checked into the HOA account, which is one of my direct debits. Turns out the management, without mentioning it, had changed banks, changed passwords and website, and we had to go all round the houses to get in. HS took care of switching that, so all's well. But that would have been a big deal if he tried to accomplish it after my death, everything financial shutting down then, and death certificates etc, needed to get access.  

I think we did well, and we're both a bit wiped out from the emotional work. After next week's cremation appointment, I plan to live a life of total frivolity!

Knitting group today, and I'll cast on a new knit as soon as I decide what.  Meanwhile I did a bit of spinning.

This is my 3D printed spindle, really well balanced, and it's become my favorite.

And here's a poll you won't see around the media very much, just sayin.  Not paid for by T###p, like the Wall Street Journal, nor weighted in favor of Republican opinions, like the New York Times. Just a straightforward bit of polling.

Then, since it's Friday, and we haven't had a puzzle for ages, too busy with solemn stuff, here we go.

Happy day, everyone, enjoy your day, especially blogistas invaded by new tiny kittens!

Between the publishing mixup yesterday and things on my mind, I'm late to wish  happy Hanukkah to observers, but I do wish you light and life


  1. More good preplanning decisions! "After next week's cremation appointment, I plan to live a life of total frivolity!" -- hahahahahhaha, I know what you mean.

    1. I'm getting out my dance shoes even as I type.

  2. I sure do hope that poll is reflected by events when it happens! The puzzle is easy. It does not describe you! Look out, World! Boud is going to be footloose and fancy free! 😂🙀

  3. It's good to be taking care of things.

  4. I know that your heart must feel lighter now!
    I just wish that in those polls there weren't so darn many Don't Knows. That scares me.

    1. I wonder what that category means. Could be anything from don't bother me to don't quote me to ask me next year!

  5. Well done with the preparation though we know you don’t need them for any time soon.

    1. As of now I'm fine, about to get lunch then go to the knitting group.

  6. Kudos to you and HS for getting things done! I like the idea of living a life of frivolity. As for that poll: Can we please vote this minute?!?

    1. I vote we make that poll the will of the people by acclamation!

  7. It is a relief for you to get it all in order. Now, let the frivolity begin.

  8. Very organised and thankfully so. Red tape is always a pain the the posterior
    May your life of frivolity be a long long long one

  9. Had to smile at "cremation appointment next week". (I did read the earlier post but the first thought of anyone who hadn't might be "getting bit ahead of yourself no?")

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. A life of frivolity - sounds like a plan to me!! Good for you for transferring as much as you can over to HS now so that he still has you to help him get used to dealing with everything. My Dad made sure that everything he had was joint with me so it was simple for me to deal with when the time came.

    1. Yes, it's important to get a bit of experience at handling some things. He's always been a tenant so the various bills relating to ownership are new learning.

  12. Dealing with stuff after a someone has died is always hard and some organisations seem to go out of their way to make it more so! You are doing the right thing by HS and yourself. One more appointment then kick those heels up!

  13. That vanilla sugar hack is a new one on me - thanks for the tip!

    Completely stumped by the HH puzzle despite RunNRose's cryptic hint - will persevere.

    Good for you and HS to shift some duties around and thank goodness you did, considering the hassles that sprang up. And what a scrumptious breakfast to start the day!

    Chris from Boise

    1. The breakfast was a good start. The day got a bit complicated.

  14. You are such a wise lady taking care of all those things we hate to do now, so it is easier for HS later. I've been trying to do just that in getting all my business in order. We have not gotten to the cremation part yet but we need to. Please share if you have any good pointers when you are done. I want things to be as easy as possible for my sons. I love the thought of living a life of total frivolity!

  15. You're very wise getting everything done in advance. But i'm also glad to hear you're not planning on going anywhere soon. Have I missed your birthday? If HS came for tea and muffins on Thursday was that it? But, no, your mention of starting reading the book suggests it wasn't. Hm.

    1. Birthday is next week, and will be celebrated whenever we're both free.

  16. Great job on the planning.
    That's a great removal of stress.

  17. It sounds like you have had very productive and good times with your son -- emotional as well, but important. The vanilla pod in the sugar is brilliant.

    1. Just the empty bottle in the sugar. I expect a pod would be even better.


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