Saturday, December 23, 2023

Light and kitties

 I seem to have got into this resting. Overslept by two hours this morning, to wake to texts and Skype from Anxious Son, who hadn't had a reply to his usual early morning text. All's well, though. Probably the result of a couple of those sugary treats. I've never known why people talk about sugar giving energy. It knocks me flat.

Meanwhile, knitting continues

with evidence of other knitting in the distance, socks and afghan.

And I'm listening to another Martin Walker audio book about police chief Bruno

At least in brief bursts, when my phone doesn't lose the signal. I have two Hoopla (library app) accounts, two devices, two email addresses, two libraries, two sets of rules.

The phone has the better sound but constantly drops the WiFi signal, can't keep it long enough to download and listen without a signal. The library for that account limits usage by the daily total for the branch, so you need to search early to get lucky.

The tablet account is to a library which limits users to four books a month.  And my December ration was long since read. Also the sound volume isn't as good.  And the libraries are in different counties, different collections. Endless entertainment in just searching.

The book is intriguing, like all Walker, starts out simply, but gets into international intrigue and fraud and people not being who you assumed. Bruno also cooks, very good, local sources including his backyard and his  field (and fen).

There's now a cookbook of his food, and one recipe I've seen is definitely in the planned for January thinking, onion tart with ruff puff pastry. None of your prissy BBC "rough" puff! As if. It's a gentle old baking joke name.  Remember the BBC contributor who used to refer to whodidits? Blogistas of the jury,  I rest my case. 

I also bring you a couple of seasonal pictures, lightbringers from Karin Celestine, of  Celestine and the Hare

And Sandy Boynton, they want the tree, let them be the tree!
Happy day,  everyone, keep calm and party on.

Photo Lightbringer AC


  1. The socks are great... in general, self-knitted socks are the best.
    I hope you enjoy listening to the WALKER audio book.
    I would love to see the cookbook :-) I'm currently preparing potato salad for tomorrow, we love it for Christmas Eve.
    Merry Christmas. All good wishes from Viola

    1. So long since I had potato salad. I like the German recipe, red potatoes, oil, vinegar etc.

  2. Well, there can definitely be a sugar crash, too. So perhaps that's what's going on. Or perhaps the past weeks of dealing with end of life details has exhausted you. It surely would me. I woke up late this morning and told my husband that I didn't know why I'd slept so long. He said, "Maybe because your body needed rest."
    Simple truths.

    1. That's a very likely set of reasons. Gary came over to see if I was ok, too, among other things. I'm not supposed to sleep in!

  3. We all need a good sleep-in every now and again!

    1. Between a vigilant son and neighbors, I don't often get one.

  4. Replies
    1. It is. The pillow is to rest my arms on so that knitting doesn't need me to look down and strain my neck. It works.

  5. I'm with you on arising late - crawled out of bed at 9 am this morning after a wild night of partying (well, playing bingo with our Iraqi, Russian, Ukrainian and Nepalese friends). Glad HS keeps tabs on you.

    Libraries in two counties! Sounds like they each have their strengths (and weaknesses).

    Thank you for the sweet lightbringers and Sandra Boynton's wonderful humor!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Bingo! The universal game! Leaps language boundaries!
      NJ is small state with a lot of counties. Not unusual to be in two or three in a normal day's activities. And they all have their own identities and rules, just try to merge them! Just try. Many pols have exhausted a career on it.

  6. For me at least, after every sugar rush comes the sugar crash... and it usually last longer. If I was in a shop with those felted mice, I'd buy at least a dozen!

    1. She does very well -- all online I think. Her various critters are wonderful.

  7. oh those anxious moments when you can't get hold of someone at the appointed time. I emailed a long letter to a friend who usually responds within a few days and it's been two weeks now. he's a year older than me, lives in colorado. If I don't hear back soon I'll have to pick up the phone.

    1. We have a deal that if he hasn't heard from me by 9.30 am, he will contact a neighbor to check. Today I slept right through the outside time!

  8. I bought one of Karin's books for my Occasional Helper's little girl this year, to be delivered on a post-Christmas/pre-New Year's Day visit, when the first wave of Christmas madness has subsided. I haven't wrapped it because I want to look at it again first :)

    1. Yes, I don't blame you. Just to make sure it's lovely..

  9. I do love your socks. I’m going. To give knitting the traditional way a go again next winter. If you slept in I’m sure it means you needed it.
    I’ve slept in lots lately. Although for me a sleep is 7.30 I do feel much better when I do.
    Stay warm

    1. I hope you'll get into knitting socks. Mine are very simple, relying on the yarn for interest, and you quickly need no pattern, likewise the gloves, just know them well. It's meditative.
      Usually I wake at 7, but today was nearer 10, unheard of.

  10. Happy Christmas and joyous resting!

  11. Sleeping in is a luxury I never get becase Resident Chef bounces out of bed at 8 am without fail. Some mornings I just want to snuggle under the covers and stay there for awhile longer esp. if I've had a sleepless night. Sadly, grabbing a few more zzzz's won't happen in this house because RC isn't happy unless he's banging pots and pans in the kitchen. Same thing for naps - not going to happen here. I can understand the hue and cry by Handsome Son and Gary though and isn't it nice that they're keeping an eye.
    Seeing the kitty tree made me think of our last cat Mitzi who simply couldn't wait for the Christmas tree to go up each year so she could climb up inside. Never once did she knock it over or knock off any ornaments either.

    1. Maybe you can request a regular lie in especially in winter, as a present?
      I haven't had a tree since we discovered it was the reason I was so sick every Christmas! I admire from afar.

  12. I like your socks and mitts, and am wanting to get back to knitting. We've a wonderful yarn store where I live...time to go shop! I need to work my fingers again, they've become so lazy just pressing keyboards.

    1. Yes, very good for your hands to exercise them as well as creating lovely things.

  13. Second try...I got excited and missed the publish button. I want to do some knitting like your socks and mitts. We have a nice yarn shop where I live, so that will be a new thing for 24! I need to exercise my fingers more than just pressing keys.

    1. Go for it! You'll be glad you did. It's also a different way of thinking, and that's good, too.

  14. More great socks! The kitty tree is pretty neat.

    1. I like the tree idea. Thanks for the kind words about socks.

  15. A sleep in is a luxury not to be lightly dismissed.

    1. Especially as you get older and tend to sleep less.

  16. I sleep longer than I used to, maybe because I can. The kitty tree is why I don't have one. Gatto would be all over that!

  17. I haven't used Hoopla in awhile but do have restrictions with it.

  18. Very cool on the knitting.
    I'd like to make hats.
    Beenies of sorts.


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