Thursday, December 21, 2023

Happy Solstice

In a few hours we'll be at the Winter Solstice, and it came fast this year

I like the cosy long dark nights,  and grew up at a latitude where today would have daylight from about 9 to 3.30.  You went to and from school in the dark. By midsummer there would be nights where it hardly got dark at all. I live far south of that, and dusk will be about 5 pm. Not such a short day.

Nearer home than the movement of the planet, I measured my bp yesterday and it was back in the normal for me range, high but not fire alarm. So far so good.

Today there is the usual high level activity next door, involving moving my car to let a Pod-carrying truck unload a Pod for Gary to put his furniture in while something very radical is being done to his floor. 

Too complicated to go into, involving a crew to pour leveling liquid or something before they can lay his new floor. We'll see. He does get involved in complicated situations. When I got my floors replaced, they didn't empty the room, so it was much easier, one day's work twenty years ago and I lived happily ever after. But his floor saga has been going on for months. This is the latest onslaught.

And at some point another friend is coming by to visit. It's all go.

Happy day, everyone, try not to complicate your life. Unless you like it that way.


  1. Gary isn't happy unless there is some sort of chaos going on, is he? Such a character.

  2. Gary is a Drama King! I like the short days, too. I'm always a bit disappointed as daylight creeps in more and more.

    1. I don't like it so much when there's a lot more light in February and it's bitterly cold.

  3. Some people really have a talent for making things difficult! (I say this without having any knowledge of Gary or the floor situation, though, so maybe it's unavoidable.)

    1. Nope, completely avoidable! I know him, his floor, and his dog, these are not unrelated to the story..

  4. Thank you for the inspiration of You today, Boud. Not just the written word either!

  5. I'm eager for the days to lengthen and the light to return. Happy Solstice!

  6. Happy solstice to you.
    Yes it sounds like the floor is way too complicated for my liking. Things always get that way when home maintenance occurs. Kinda why I don’t like redecorating. It’s never a simple straightforward project. And it’s really bad for my anxiety levels.

  7. Happy winter solstice from a summer solstice.
    Gary is game getting such major work done at this time of year!

    1. This saga has been under way for months! Happy summer solstice.

  8. Happy solstice!

    Thank you for You, which I just forwarded to a friend who struggles with feeling unworthy.

    Let us know how the floor drama goes. And I'm so glad your BP has settled back down.

    Chris from Boise

    1. That You is a good thing to remember about ourselves. I'm glad it was helpful. I expect the floor drama is far from over.

  9. Every so often, we slip up and make things more complicated than they need to be. We have friends who know no other way, which can become difficult for everyone in their vicinity.

    1. It's an odd thing, making an adventure out of an otherwise straightforward process, but some people just can't go to the solution without detours.

  10. The sun was setting here before 4:30 for the past few days. Alexa tells me it will be at 4:26 today.

    1. Sunset is the point when the sun dips below the horizon. The darkness we experience is about half an hour later. Hence my numbers.

  11. Good news about the bp. Keep taking rests!

    1. Doctor's orders! Usually it's "stay active", this week "take it easy". Fine.

  12. Here's to the floor saga being over soon.

    1. It's always something. Once the floor is done, there'll be other issues.

  13. Oh my word - is there ever not some sort of drama happening next door? And at Christmas time too, talk about a glutton for punishment! I suppose you have to take tradespeople when you can get them but still - not great timing.
    Glad to hear the bp issue is lowering and coming back to where it should be. Be sure to take it easy!

    1. Did I add that yesterday was his daughter's birthday, so after all this, he was taking her into the city (Manhattan) to celebrate!


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