Sunday, January 1, 2023

Woke early to the New Year

 Happy New Year again.

New start, and I'm feeling bit by bit better, normal optimism starting again. White Rabbits.

Last year's calendar, usually recycled for the new year, will this year be cut down to make a notebook. The illustrations are too good to discard. 

And I have plans about cardboard art. And today being rainy and mild, soon I'll be looking out for the first signs of the snowdrops I planted in the fall.

Plenty to look forward to. 

Happy day everyone, happy year, everyone! I hope we all have something to look forward to. 


  1. You are sounding better with those plans going forward! Yay!

    1. Yes, I think I must be doing better! Thank you.

  2. It's as foggy as old London here in Lloyd this New Year's morning. Quiet, which is nice. Old friends are coming by soon. I will make biscuits.
    I am so glad you're feeling better.

    1. No idea about London and fog, having been there once on a required trip! Northerner, the South off the radar... Glad you've got company today.

  3. Happy New Year - so glad you're feeling better. We all look forward to a good year which, if it's like the last one, will pass far too quickly.

    1. I've now entered my 85th year! That's the problem with a December birthday -- in no time you're in the new year!

  4. Happy New Year. Here's hoping more humans start recognising their responsibility to the planet. Glad you are finally feeling better bit by bit.

    1. Yes. Maybe our first job is to say thank you to the earth.

  5. What a great word! A very happy and healthy New Year to you, Boud.

    1. Thank you. Happy New Year to you too. Haggard Hawks is a terrific etymologist.

  6. I guess I am too old to think of invoking the 🐰.

  7. White rabbits! A new day, a new month, a new year! You sound much more yourself this morning, which is a grand way to enter 2023. Those snowdrops will be up before you know it!

    After a few milder (and lengthening!) days, the lettuce in the cold frame, stubbornly sticking with two baby leaves for the last two months, have suddenly up and sprouted two more! There will be more winter months yet, but what an optimistic sight!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I love how plants know about the light long before humans register it. I'm back and forward, this morning forward, this afternoon back a bit. Trying not to use up too much energy.

  8. Sending all good wishes for a happy and healthier New Year, Boud. I started the first day with the start of a cold, so will be keeping a low profile the next few days and drinking a lot of tea with honey.

  9. It is hot and muggy as I write. I would love some mild rainy weather! Snow drops are such a happy wee flower. Truly the harbingers of spring.

    1. These are also memorials, so I'll be very glad to see them.

  10. Happy new year.
    Right now cool rain would be lovely.
    But I mustn’t complain. We had a long wet winter.

  11. I hope you had a restful night and a sweet day. and yes, that was Hoppin' John today.


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