Sunday, January 15, 2023

Baked plain and fancy, knitting

The day started with a ring and a knock, and Gary handing in this plate.

Iced danish, warm. Great morning greeting.

So one was a second breakfast. The other was an afternoon accompaniment to tea.

And I needed a batch of something.

The makings of cranberry walnut muffins

I never seem to stretch this recipe to a dozen. Anyway some for Tuesday when Handsome Son takes us to get the DNR form signed and delivered, then home for lunch and a cup of tea with muffins.

Meanwhile I started a pair of gloves with a new color selection.

Nice evening, everyone,  enjoy whatever you're up for. My cleaners come tomorrow so I tidy this evening.


  1. Hey wait! I don't get breakfast delivered. :)

    1. Ah, you should show this post to your neighbors!

  2. Warm iced danish. What a wonderful gift. I find I either end up with way more than the recipe indicates or way less. The odd occasion I manage to create the exact amount is always cause for quiet celebration.

    1. I wonder how they arrive at their numbers. I've done recipes that claim "makes 36", and I've got maybe 24 titchy things out of it.

  3. I don't even pay attention to the "serves...whatever" number any more. Since there are only two of us, I know there will be enough and if it looks too big, I cut it in half. Gary is a good and sweet neighbor.
    I was just wondering if you've ever made the muffin recipe on the box of Quaker oat bran? It is so good and I have added bananas, grated apples, and carrots to the recipe over the years. Also, I use an egg instead of two egg whites.
    You may be able to get some sort of oat bran through misfits. I really think you'd like those muffins.

    1. I don't think I've ever done a recipe off a box. Hmm. Noted.

  4. A lovely way to start your day.
    I don’t bake much now. Because then I eat it. And that’s not good lol
    Now the boys are back at work I might start making a few things. And sending it over for their morning and afternoon breaks

    1. I'm not a great eater of baked goods. One muffin for breakfast or one with an afternoon cup of tea does it each day. But I like to have a little something for other people.

  5. I would give the same excuse as Angela, but as I no longer have an oven, baked goods no longer grace the kitchen counter.

  6. My cleaner comes tomorrow morning too, so after I finish reading blogs I will "clean up for the cleaner." As apparently you do too, I tidy up clutter lying around so as to make things more accessible for cleaning.

    1. I leave surfaces as clear as I can so they can clean rather than pick stuff up. One of my friends lost her cleaner because she said she was fed up of clearing clutter, not what she signed up for!; Couldn't blame her.

  7. My MIL used to have me come clean her apartment before her cleaning lady came so she wouldn't think she was a slob. That is funny. I generally washed a week's worth of dishes and tossed out sour milk and nasty food.

    Those muffins look amazing.

    1. My house isn't hard to clean because I do keep it up as I go.

  8. I always have muffins in the house as my husband has a sweet tooth. I make banana muffins and load them with fruit and nuts. He loves the cranberry walnut especially. Yours look delicious!

    1. These have no sugar, but the fruit probably adds sweetness.

  9. How nice! I'm waiting for some groceries and will be cooking for the week later today.

    1. Let us know if you're making anything I should try. I'm getting bananas today. In person though, to get yellow ones.

  10. What a great neighbor Gary is. I rarely bake anymore, not since the grandkids grew up. I don't need the sugar and he doesn't need the fat though I do make a desert now and then.

  11. Replies
    1. There's no sugar in these, and the fat is mainly olive oil and buttermilk. Comparatively healthy. Compared to Danish anyway!

  12. It's fun to visit because you are so creative, making things, baking, and having so many interests. I actually wondered at the beginning if you had someone to clean your home.

    1. After Handsome Partner entered his last couple of years, I couldn't clean on top of 24/7 care for a quadriplegic partner, so I got these cleaners, lovely Czech family, and after he died I economized on everything else so as to keep them, because ir also keeps up my spirits, living in a clean house.

  13. Delicious looking muffins! Good Luck with the new gloves, the colour is awsome!

  14. I am not used to your new blog time. I am used to you being at the top of the reading list. You and Gary are good neighbors to one another. Like others have said and I just said to Mark, I don't bake because then I eat it. We had just had a slice of galette. Like the color of the yarn for the gloves.

    1. I'm not used to it either. We'll see how it works.

  15. How nice to open your door to that treat, Boud! As far as making the number specified in a recipe, it never works out that way for me especially when baking cookies and it's not that samples were tried, although Grenville is always a volunteer!

    1. It's a kitchen mystery. Particularly when they say some large number and I barely get a dozen.

    2. I hope you are feeling better.
      Those rolls look fabulous.

    3. Thank you, it's finally lifting, yay.

  16. Resident Chef made two batches of banana muffins over the weekend - taste tested, pronounced good, and promptly put in the freezer. Nice of Gary to share a treat with you!
    Gloves are going to look great in that yarn.

    1. Yes I think the colors will work nicely. I like your procedure of having muffins in the freezer. Emergency muffins.


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