Thursday, January 26, 2023

Misfits meets Imperfect

 Today was the first delivery of the new partnership of Misfits with Imperfect Foods, and I'm very happy. I'm hoping this how they go on.

The box arrived mid morning, many hours earlier than FedEx used to deliver, from the food folk's own delivery van 

 Both names on the box

And less insulation, probably because everything being delivered from the vehicle is produce, no need to insulate against other substances in a FedEx van.

Packing, which included cold pack items, was very well done

And the quality is excellent.

So tonight was panfried tilapia with steamed baby carrots, dessert Greek yogurt and blueberries.

I floured the fish with a mixture of flour, turmeric, salt, black pepper and lemon zest, left it all afternoon in the fridge, panfried it this evening. Just a couple of minutes each side.

Very happy with my results of the first week in the new partnership. 

I finished the flower puzzle, which turns out to be made by a flower farm in the pnw. 
I really couldn't have tolerated these reds for more than just the broken up section. 

But it's nice puzzle finished and ready to return.  Red has a seasick-inducing effect on me, a downside of synaesthesia, so I limit my exposure.

I'm still in the midst of This Golden Fleece, and it continues to be a great journey of learning.  In my own fiber world, I ran out of spun yarn last evening so I've been spinning a new supply, to knit off the spindle along with the other two yarns.

Spinning off the spindle involves keeping the spindle away from the other yarns, my afghan, sweater, etc, because it spins happily as the yarn comes off it, the unoccupied hook tangling merrily with whatever's near. I put it in a separate bag and it jumps out.

I may make it back to the knitting group tomorrow, we'll see. I'm wintering -- very willing to stay put, spin, knit, read, cook.  Icy rain and wind have contributed.

Happy evening everyone, stay warm or cool depending on which hemisphere you're reading from! From here it's hard to believe it will get warm again.


  1. I looked up the word "synaesthesia" on Google. There is an article from Scientific American in 2006. I could read that ten times over and still not have a clue what it says! That grocery delivery really does you a good service. That tilapia really looks tasty,

    1. Synaesthesia is the sensing of multiple responses at a time. Like seeing and tasting a color, or hearing sound when you see a shape. It's like an extra faculty. Usually wonderful, but sometimes, like with this red, s bit overwhelming.

    2. I wrote at some length on this in July 10?18? 2010, if you want to search.

  2. Your food delivery looks a success. One of my sons orders from Blue Apron, Fresh Choice, etc. which include all ingredient and recipes. A different type of order, I know. My son comes over with that food and cooks dinner for us, I am pampered.

    1. I have neighbors who've tried a couple of services like that. They like the meals, but complain there's no leftovers!

  3. Synaesthesia can take some truly unusual forms - we had a friend who got sounds associated with skin sensations like itching. She was an adult before she found out that we don't all hear those sounds when something is itchy or furry or cool smooth etc....and that only came about because she said something one day and followed it up with ."you know, like that sound that goes with itchy". At which we all looked oddly and she ...well you can write the rest.

    1. Exactly. That's why it used to be considered rare -- if something's natural to you, you assume it's the same for everyone. I was a teenager before I found out my friends didn't experience it. My relatives mostly did!

  4. Many people here in the mill apt have ordered some of the food delivery services, such as Blue Apron mentioned earlier, we have never done so but I can see the benefits. Your Misfit delivery looked very healthful (as expected) and great to read that everything arrived in such good condition too. Tilapia admittedly is not one of our favorite seafood choices, but salmon and haddock are and entirely different story.

    1. I prefer saltwater fish, too, but tilapia was available, so fine.

  5. If I understand Misfits correctly, you really have to know what you are doing in the kitchen to be able to make them post of it. And you do. Most wouldn’t.

    1. It's just shopping, really. Perhaps most people aren't familiar with shopping for ingredients rather than buying readymade food?

  6. Believe it or not, I have actually been looking forward to seeing what you got in your box yesterday! And what a pleasing and healthful and fun array it is!
    I have long thought that humans have far more than five senses. And synaesthesia is definitely evidence to that belief.

    1. When you consider all the permutations of sense, yes, there are a lot. And it extends your ability to perceive.

  7. What an attractive plateful of food you made from the Misfits box! Glad you like their new, improved service.

    1. Just found this in spam. I wondered why I hadn't heard, since you often comment.

  8. I did not know they merged. It wasn't evident when I ordered last week. Mine will likely still be delivered by FedEx. It's a good idea to stay inside if it's freezing rain. Spin your yarn and stay safe and warm.

    1. I think it's a trial run. My area, being two hours from misfits hq, is the test area. So it's possible they're still working out the logistics. Anyway I'm pleased with week one, hoping it's not a new broom.

  9. I must say, the items in your food boxes always look good.

    1. Yes, and cheaper and so much easier for me than produce shopping, picking, deciding, hauling home, all that. I'm happy.

  10. The amalgamation looks to be a good one for customers!

  11. Gary seems more helpless than I in the kitchen and a little worse about veggies.

    1. I think he must have been traumatized by a vegetable in childhood. He grows them very successfully in containers, but eat them? What?

  12. Glad to hear you're pleased with the initial new delivery system and that it arrived in a timely manner.
    Interesting to read once again about your reaction to the colour red - not something you hear much about.


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