Monday, January 2, 2023

New year, new project

Yesterday I felt well enough, this is a very slow recovery, to make last year's lovely craft calendar into this year's handy note keeper.

Each month is now a folded-in section, sealed with tape, for notes, appointment cards, grocery lists, all the stuff usually falling about my bag or being magnetized to the fridge where it falls down behind the counter.

Last year's cover cut down and inserted on the back.

Purse sized and already with bits of reminders in different months.I was happy with this and had to sleep all afternoon to recover from the excitement.

However, as I keep pointing out to dismayed handsome Son, I'm not worse!

Happy day everyone, recycle something just to enjoy it and please tell us your favorite recycle.


  1. Excellent idea. I'm happy you are not worse, hopeful you are feeling better. The only favorite thing I can think of is vegetable bits and bones which become usable as stock. I don't have the creative mind to do what you do.

    1. Listen, stock, like bread, is the staff of life!

  2. Brilliant! Your last year's calendar was so charming I'm glad you found a way to repurpose it.

    Our favorite recycle is food leftovers to eggs, via out four lovely hens (who are not laying during the winter months, of course).

    Chris from Boise

    PS Keep listening to your body. You are definitely on the upswing, energy to follow in good time, oh impatient one.

    1. Every little activity is now followed by a dull rest!

  3. What a clever idea! I love it! I am trying to think of anything that I do that really qualifies as recycle. I sure do wash and reuse a lot of plastic bags. And I mend a lot of things. But for anything truly artistic- not so much.

    1. Maybe cleaning up and dressing old dollies, once forlorn in the store, counts?

  4. That's a great idea, and I'm glad it gave you something constructive to do! (Not that you're ever lacking!) I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, even if ever-so-slowly.

    1. I don't have your youthful recuperative powers! But I'm getting there.

  5. Clever little folding file! You continue to amaze. and good your recovery is still going forward.

    1. Thank you! I'm definitely getting there. Very impatient though.

  6. Replies
    1. Always nice when your brain starts up again. Like a car that you haven't driven for a few days.

  7. What a great use of a calendar! I kept one of my Snow Leopard Trust calendars on my office wall for years, because the photographs were wonderful. Every now and then I'd flip to another month. And every now and then a visitor to my office would suddenly notice the year on my calendar and do a classic double-take. I'm so glad you're on the mend, Liz - I just caught up on several posts and it's sounds like the overall trend is gently upward. A quiet huzzah in your direction!

    1. Some calendars shouldn't be discarded too quickly. And thank you for the good wishes.

  8. Lovely calendar... I wish you all the best and that your energy returns quickly.

  9. That’s a really great idea. Well done.
    I’m thinking you might need some steroids to help your lungs recover. I had to have that. After getting swine flu years ago. My lungs have not been the same since

    1. Interesting thought. Since I'm doing so much better I hadn't considered treatment for my lungs. My breathing is fine. When I'm not coughing!

  10. Every year Mr B gives F a cat rescue society calendar and every year she declines to throw them away after December. Now she has at least one idea for recycling them. There are three or 4 in the cupboard now. You have so many good ideas.

    1. Oh, try it. You need a handy thing for allotment notes and planning.

  11. That is a lovely idea. Sometimes last year's calendars get sold very cheaply so I shall keep a look out. If not I shall have to buy one for this year and hope I remember why I had to have it by the time next year rolls around.
    So glad you are on the mend and, more importantly, are listening to your body and resting when needed.

    1. Maybe write a reminder on December?? My body is talking quite firmly right now.

  12. I must recycle the contents of my 2022 recycle drawer. You have motivated me, a little.

  13. We make fire starters with toilet paper rolls, newspapers and wax. Before Christmas, we used some to make decorations with the kids. Lots of fun! They like making the fire starters too.

    1. Interesting reuses. I expect the kids liked making decorations, usually a lot of messy fun.

  14. I recycle calendars. This year I am using 2017 calendars. The days of the week match up, although I think there might be a new holiday since '17?
    Continued improving health to you.

    1. You may need to add in Juneteenth. Good idea.

  15. I'm so glad you found another use for that charming calendar. Now it will continue to delight you as you use it.

    1. It's already in daily use, coming out with me in my purse.


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