Saturday, January 7, 2023

Christmas is coming, finally

Yesterday I removed the Dollarama, (but Cocktail Lady got an extension)  Christmas setup, it being Twelfth Night, Three Kings Day aka the Epiphany.

Here's the fake fireplace looking cheerful and today Handsome Son asked if we could celebrate Christmas on his day off, Tuesday. 

So we will. If I need to rest in the middle I will. Most of the cooking's  done anyway and the table's still laid. This year we've even missed the Orthodox dates. But we're ahead of Valentine's anyway.

I did get in an expedition to return library books to the book drop at the further away libe yesterday. I had two days overdue fine, and my account is labeled DELINQUENT until it's paid. 20 cents. I may as well rob a bank, since they've already labeled me a criminal, jeez 

 I didn't have enough oomph to get gas on the way home and get a replacement insert for the rear wiper blade which is currently a bunch of ragged bits. Another day.

I saw Gary yesterday and he evidently was thrilled about the brownies. I didn't think he expected quite such a prompt return! Anyway turns out he loves them, so maybe after Handsome Son has had a share, the rest will end up next door.

Meanwhile, here's a new puzzle. Sparkling M, bear with me, this one has more than one possible answer:

Happy day everyone, let's hope someone bakes you a treat, or, if not, diy!


  1. I think I figured this one out but took me many words to get a 6 letter word. Everything that first came to mind was only 5 letters.

  2. I meant to add that how rude of the library over 20 cents. My library rarely informs me of my overdue fines. My borrows are always late. Eventually someone will mention I owe over a dollar or two and I pay it.

    1. One of my libraries has abolished fines entirely, not worth the bookkeeping. The one I get puzzles from. I'm very ethical about returning them because people are probably waiting, small collection.

  3. I am so hopeless at puzzles like that. My brain simply does not work that way.
    Your fireplace does look cozy. A nice feature to have in a house.
    Christmas on Tuesday! Excellent.
    Yes. Definitely time to go commit a crime, now that you have been labeled. Delinquent indeed! Remember when juvenile delinquents were the biggest problem in the country?

    1. The fireplace is real, the insert is fake, a plugin with heat and light functions, I usually only have the light going.
      I gave up lugging wood around, clearing ashes etc. They were handy for slug control though.

  4. Happy Christmas Dinner

    Baked, neighbor gave me pieces of an ultra moist chocolate cake. I consumed it with no commercial breaks.

  5. Christmas is fun no matter WHEN it occurs!

  6. Get yourself a cup of tea and curl up in front of the fire. I only use the library online. I suppose I'd get tagged if I was late. Or do they just take the book back? I knew Gary would be happy, I know I would be!

    1. Some books are only in book format so I break down and borrow now and then. When I'm well I just return them on knitting group days.

  7. Brownies! Sinful! and yours look every bit of that, box mix or not. Down the road is a store that sells what they call Tuxedo Cake. It is pure decadence and I enjoy every bite of it. First the Macedonian makes espresso right out of the machine and pours it over vanilla ice cream, Then we have Tuxedo Cake. Jesus-Mary-Joseph-Our Father in Heaven, such goodness should be a mortal sin! I'm sure your brownies would qualify for such goodness too.
    My niece loved them. She would say, “Uncle Tom that shit is sooooo good. When she was around 13 she would listen to this terrible music. She said it's called Goth. I didn't know that the Goths were a people that overran the Roman Empire in the early centuries of the Christian era. When I heard that noise I would simply say, “Ick!”

  8. Very cool narrative clue!! Linking many parts. Comment of the day.

  9. I am making some treats today for my husband’s birthday. He has a sweet tooth. Glad you are able to have your Christmas meal on Tuesday!

  10. Our library hasn't started fines again (since lockdown) but we can renew online, which I do. Have a wonderful Christmas meal. I am halfway to the puzzle answer. Well, less than halfway actually.

    1. I renew routinely on line, but one book had holds so you can't renew, have to return it. Fair enough. I've written a protest with screenshot of my redflagged account, and suggestions of better wording. I'll let you know what happens!

      Stay with the puzzle!

  11. Hope you can find that 20 cents down the back of a sofa somewhere!

  12. One ?good thing to come out of the pandemic is that in most libraries here in Melbourne, fines have become a thing of the past. A librarian mentioned there have been more online renewals and less overdues since that came about.

    I found one word (I think)……a person close to my heart (read my blog for that) If I follow what I think is the pattern how about something I use a lot of in the kitchen.

    1. The place where you have to physically return the book is the sticker! Quite a few titles here are available only as physical books. I try to avoid them but oh well.

      Sounds like you and Liz might have landed on the same solution.

  13. They’re really need to take into account extenuating circumstances
    Talk about over reacting
    Glad your finally having Christmas with your son. I don’t think Christmas is a date. It’s a feeling. And you can have feelings everyday of the year

    1. Yes, Christmas can be there at will. You get it!

  14. I think I have one but it could just be a gut feeling. Maybe I should try it in French.

  15. Somebody did bake us a treat this week. A friend sent us home form a visit with banana loaf.

  16. When the kids grow up, the holidays do tend to gt spread out. But there's nothing wrong with that!

    My library doesn't collect fines any more. I've often wondered if it's a deterrent to people returning really overdue materials. Sounds like you have several libraries to choose from. What a treat.

    1. I live at the point where I have a card useful in two counties so I have access to multiple libraries. A couple are a handy driving distance, with different opportunities so yes, it's great.

  17. Our clue is right down at earth level. We have seen a library here with a slot in the wall called the late returns slot. It's to encourage the book to be returned even if there is a fine that might never get collected.

    1. Alk our libraries have a wall slot for book returns and another for other items such as DVDs. My problem was getting there, with nobody to send. They'll collect the fine, such as it is, next time they see me.

      Sounds as if you're onto an answer to the puzzle.

  18. Oh no - our Boud is a deliquent?
    Our library system did away with fines a year or so ago and they claim that people are now returning their books in a much more timely manner. They've started emailing a notification three days before a book is due and that helps I'm sure.
    Glad to hear your Christmas is finally going to take place!


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