Monday, January 23, 2023

Monday, Monday, rain, quiet

 A peaceful day today. Rain all day. I did get to the store for urgent nonfood supplies I can't get from Misfits, dang it. 

I've lost track of how long it's been since I shopped in person. And they had plenty of eggs, got my usual brand, less than $5, not so bad. The most expensive, free range ones were about $7. A bit more than I spend on eggs, but not outrageous.

Home again by 10, before the rain got heavier.

And after it was just jigsaw, really liking fitting the flowers in

and reading Barbara Pym, Jane and Prudence, what a ghastly woman Jane is, and how she makes her vicar husband's life harder. And the inappropriate questions she fires at Prudence.. and how devious Jessie is, but how hugely entertaining the whole cast is.

Bit of knitting, bit of resting, figuring out what to cook for supper, Misfits box not due till Thursday, when I'll have sn embarrassment of edible riches.

I was at a meeting of my nonprofit once, when one of the professional staff used that expression, without the edible bit, and a board member burst out "there's nothing to be embarrassed about! We're doing well!" Evidently unfamiliar with the expression. Oh well. 

Nobody was prepared to explain, though it was stunning that someone with an Ivy league degree didn't get it. And a lot of other things, too  Looking back, probably a legacy admission from a big donor family.  I know a lot more now about that family  than I did then, when I was a bit more naive. Moving right along..

So, on to food and one of my favorite kinds of meals, the kind you pick up and eat.

Pita bread filled with onions, mushrooms, potatoes, spinach. Everything that's lying around.

Enough for two more meals, bringing me to Thursday and Misfits delivery. Yogurt and blueberries for dessert.

All's very well around here, and I hope with you, too. Happy evening everyone! 



  1. LOL @ your "embarrassment of riches" story!

  2. Yes, the embarrassment of riches story brought out a gud laugh.

    1. That lady was the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. Your doing really well with the puzzles. I just don’t have the patience.
    Although I do some on my iPad. 42 pieces are my biggest. Or I’d get bored and not finish.
    Your getting very creative with the food. It sounds very yummy

    1. I'm surprised to find I can enjoy puzzles, too. I only work them for a few minutes at a time.

  4. Glad you finished your errands before the rain turned into a downpour. That puzzle is filling in nicely!

    We had an embarrassment of edible riches at a Lunar New Year party last night at our Vietnamese neighbors'. Oh my goodness - they know how to cook! I got to help roll the egg rolls and chop some lettuce and scallions under Hanh's supervision. Thanks for prepping me that it's the Year of the Cat in their culture.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Were you able to rock your newfound knowledge? I only learned it this year from a Vietnamese friend!

  5. I remember the lunar new year as a kid in Hong Kong. The food. The fireworks. And the little red packets with money in them that we were given.

    1. I know Asians who when they reminisce about New Year, always mention the red envelopes!

  6. The reaction to the riches expression was amusing.

    1. All these years later I still find her indignant shout funny!

  7. You were out and home early. Great way to do it if you have to be out and about!

  8. I do believe that "embarrassment of riches" is one of my favorite terms. It says it all so well.

  9. Leave out the mushrooms and I would join you for dinner. That is a very pretty puzzle. You have an embarrassment of patience!

    1. Yes, you get the real meaning of embarrassment, from its French origin. It just means a lot! Nothing to do with feeling bad about it. Just too much of a good thing!
      I don't like meat other than poultry, so you'd miss that around here.

    2. I could live without meat but the man wouldn't like it. I have cut the portions way back, though.

  10. I have some pita bread in the freezer. I should get it out and do something similar. Today is my grocery shop day but it's currently raining and I suppose will most the day which means I'm not going out. No matter, I have what I need for dinner. Lunch though is a different matter.

    1. I love pita! Insert cheese, toast, with soup, insert spinach and blueberries for breakfast, many uses.

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  12. I got groceries in just before clouds and a bit of rain. Love your embarrassment of riches!

  13. I like food you can pick up and eat too, and that looks good.

    1. It's a relative of the Cornish pasty, in a way.

  14. Enjoyed your 'riches' story - according to one of my friends I am a treasure trove of obscure sayings like that. To me they're commonplace, but obviously not to her.

    1. I expect she learns from you all the time.


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