Saturday, January 14, 2023

Snowdrops ahoy! and baskets and things

 Yesterday my daily crawling around in search of snowdrops was rewarded

Sister Irene's memorial snowdrops on the patio have started. Friend Diane's out front not yet. Great excitement. 

Meanwhile here's what's up next door

The van door was closed before I got a picture of a bathroom vanity tossed in. Ah, small amounts of sheetrock, bumping noises upstairs. Conclusion: they're renovating a bathroom. 

Also doing the socially responsible thing and paying the contractor take away the old fittings. Some neighbors cheap out, dump them at the dumpster to be an eyesore till the haulers reluctantly take them, building materials not being in their contract.

Wouldn't surprise me if Aditha invites me in to admire it.  At which point I'll politely profess great surprise.

And I did a bit more on the daylily string basket

When I move back into knitting,  I have a request through the Knitting Ministry for gloves for another lady who uses a wheelchair. I told Sister M to divert a pair from their next glove package to her. This is a niche need I hadn't known about till recently, glad to be useful, and grateful for the education from e on this point.

I also came across an artist I hadn't seen before and thought you'd like his sense of color

Bold and controlled at the same time, brilliant yet calm. I like these a lot.

Happy day everyone, solve your local mysteries, make discoveries.


  1. The daylily string basket is coming along beautifully. And very exciting that some snowdrops are coming up already!

    1. They're a January flower, so they're bang on schedule.

  2. My daffodils are coming up I think at the proper time. They've been late the last few years. The paintings are very colorfully abstract. Not my first choice but there are a couple I like.

    1. I think all the flowers are confused. My daffodils will come up in March if they're on schedule. I like his understanding of the shape and weight of color.

  3. Lovely little snow drops! So brave and green.
    Aha! A new bathroom!
    The basket is coming along and I like it very much. I also like the artwork of Jason Anderson. That photo of the one with the reflection is really striking.

    1. The basket and his work are polar opposites in a way. I love the same painting you chose. It's what made me look further for his work.

  4. We live in different universes! It was zero Fahrenheit this morning and we have a few feet of snow! I like this artist's work.

    1. Here we're in the 30s f today. Quite different from your location.

  5. I also like Jason Anderson's work -- nice colors. I was photographing snowdrops in our garden today -- pictures to come!

  6. Oh yes I love them.
    We started using oils in class yesterday. I love it.
    If your bulbs are coming up. Your spring must be on its way

    1. I'm interested in seeing your upcoming oil paintings. I painted in oils as a teen but found I was allergic to them and the thinner, sigh, so had to move on. They're a very forgiving medium, and the colors can be wonderful.

  7. Snowdrops? OMG, you live in the tropics. 🤓

    1. My answer keeps vanishing. I'm trying to say they're called snowdrops because they bloom even in the snow. This year none yet, so we can see them.

  8. You got me at the snowdrops...and... Jason's art! Wow. We won't see the snow drops for a long time here yet. I need to check out that art. I wish I could paint like that.

    1. It's lovely work, so fluid and accomplished.

  9. Irene would be very pleased with her snowdrops.
    Beautiful art - some of it reminded me of the northern lights.

    1. When the snowdrops are more advanced I plan to send pictures to the family.


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