Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Beets galore, very timely

Yesterday I finally noticed the dish of posh Misfits organic beets I'd cooked before I got sick, and finally did something about them. 

I know they're nutritious, full of iron, all that, but I don't like them. I admire the color, but only like them pickled.

So, after I finished those lovely Misfits olives, I had saved the liquid, thought I'd like pickled beets, just add to the readymade pickling liquid, and had ordered them. 

I finally diced the beets and added them. But I had  more diced beets, so I bunged them into jars and filled up with malt vinegar.

I used up the rest of the bottle then seized the opportunity to use up a couple of dozen of the hundreds of single serving packets I have in the crisper drawer. 

This is the result of my checking the wrong box on the online order.  Supposed only to get the bottle, got that and a  sudden parcel packed with these little packets, each about a teaspoonful.

Anyway I have enough vinegar to leave some in my will, and now I have beets galore, too.

Very timely as it happened, since Gary came over shortly after and cautioned me not to plan dinner, there would be roast turkey breast, cooking (amazingly) for his little granddaughter, planning to share around neighbors.

So later this happened

He added in baked potatoes, and I now had cold cuts with my beets. Perfect. He's talking about doing it again in a couple of days. 

Honestly, just sitting here being fed like the prophet in the Old Testament being fed chunks of meat by ravens, you can't beat (or beet) it.

Happy  day, everyone. Keep your knife and fork ready, you never know what might happen. Don't carelessly order vinegar though, that can get away from you.  


  1. When we have bread or milk or dessert items left over on SHARE days and no freezer space to keep the stuff til next week I bring some to my neighbor and she occasionally sends soup or tacos or whatever down to us. New Year's Day we got dinner...turkey and black eyed peas and potatoes and I forget what all. It is nice to have dinner delivered.

    I like beets alright as long as we don't have them too often.

    1. Yes, so good to have it delivered by a friend.

  2. I enjoy beets as a side dish every so often, and every fall after My Rare One's beet harvest, I make borscht.

    1. Maybe I could tolerate borscht, once I get past the name. I'll look it up.

  3. I have cooked beets with a little bit of butter and water, vinegar and sugar and they take on that delicious pickled beet flavor. I highly recommend this.
    I surely hope you had a cutting device for all those vinegar packets!

    1. Scissors! They claim you can tear the corner off. I think you can't.

  4. Oh beetroot makes the most divine and interesting coloured spicy thai soup - lots of lemon grass and chili and mint and garlic.... You have most excellent neighbours. Communities all over the word need more Garys

    1. That soup sounds good if you can get lemon grass.

  5. Among food that I can’t abide, beets may rank at the very top.

  6. I also cannot stand beets, picked, roasted or whatever else one might do with them. It's good you had a solution. I think I love Gary. Don't tell him. It seems you are feeling some better?

    1. Thank you I'm getting there. The coughing is tiring and I think that's the holdup. Everyone who knows Gary loves him!

  7. I hate those little packets. We have about two dozen of them containing soy sauce from previous sushi take-out orders! The beets look yummy, though. I love a pickled beet.

    1. If ever you need malt vinegar, you know where to apply!

  8. Now there was I thinking you could only get beetroot in a tin that (the beetroot that is) then gets decanted into a tall Tupperware container with a lift up/down strainer. Comes out of the cupboard in summer so you can have beetroot with your salad 😊
    The crowning glory to a takeaway hamburger here (from the fish ‘n chip shop) is a slice of beetroot.

    1. That's funny. In diners in Trenton the slice of beet is a mandatory addition to any green salad.

  9. I roast beet this time of year. We’re not fond of the pickled ones! Turkey looks good.

    1. I wonder if pickled beets is a niche taste. About every five years I really fancy some.

  10. Gary is such a good guy to feed you. I hope it was good and you are a bit better each day.

    1. I'm getting there. Never made it out today, pouring rain mostly.

  11. I giggled at the abundance of little vinegar packets lol
    Good use for them. Although a tad tedious I’d say.
    I’ll have to try one of the pickled beets I made a few weeks ago. I’m sure they will be ready by now.

    1. That's the drawback of pickles -- waiting. The beets in vinegar are pretty much instant.

  12. Gary is lovely. We have nice enough neighbours but not a Gary in sight.
    I don't mind beetroot. Maybe because I rarely eat it.

    1. It's an occasional taste for me. I have vegetarian friends who include it a lot because of the iron.

  13. I laughed my way through this wonderful post, Liz. I need to go back and see... did you give a report on whether you liked the beets or not? Or did your "pickling" them with your progeny's malt vinegar make them palatable to you? Wonderful neighbor at it again. You've got the best.

    1. The beets were fine. Really they were just beets in vinegar, too soon to be pickled. But I liked them fine with the turkey. I do like how you take my words as lightly as meant, Becki!

  14. I like beets a lot, but they feed us plenty of them. It took me four weeks to get over this bug when I got it. How far down the time line have you come?

    1. Tomorrow will be two weeks. I'm doing much better though.

  15. I'm on the side of liking beets, provided I don't have to eat a whole lot of them. My favourite is borscht . My mother used to serve cooked beet greens with no seasoning - yuck!!

    1. I looked up borscht, and I think it's too beety, way too red for me.


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