Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Puzzles, old friend and another puzzle

 Today I had finished the truck o' flowers puzzle, very nice, handling color in bleak weather.

Found that the one piece I was sure was right was all that was holding up the show at the bottom there. Once I finally moved it along a place, everything worked.  There's a sermon there, folks.

Anyway I thought I'd get to the library and return it then borrow another before the forecast storms arrived.

After lunch, maybe. Then I noticed that the storm was about to start, oh. And a great happy surprise, a friend from down the street I haven't seen other than brief chats in the street since before the pandemic, showed up to visit with her little curly dog. 

She's been struggling with her health for ages, and I was impressed she made it down the block. Her dog went mad with joy at the reunion.

So we had a marvelous time getting caught up with the births, marriages, engagements, deaths, mostly deaths, sigh. Also the fake billing by the fence company - she too got a bill for $1000 for work her husband and son did. 

And other exciting news. We used to have an imaginary newsletter we wrote, called H----(development name) Happenings, in which we'd pretend to put all the gossip and running jokes. So we did the latest update!  Such a good time.  

I was glad I hadn't gone out, in the end It was hard to see her looking so frail and lame, trying to navigate the conversation,  struggling with a cane to climb the one step from the living room up to the front door, needing help opening it and getting safely on the path. 

She was so athletic years back, great golfer, gardener, did all her own home tasks, rewired the house, cleaned the chimney, nothing beyond her. 

She grew up on a farm where you did your own maintenance. She installed my dishwasher when the installers failed me. Taught herself to knit and sew, no stopping her. So the contrast is hard to see.

I offered to walk home with her, but she wanted to do it herself so I didn't push. Her husband's working at home today, so he'd probably help at her front door.

This is a friend nearly twenty years younger than I, not as lucky though. But she really enjoyed her visit and looked better going home than when she arrived, always a good thing.

So I finally attended to the puzzle, thinking I'd like to see the second side, this being a two sided puzzle. I managed to get some of it turned over, as you see

So I may as well work the second side, since it's already half done. Speed puzzling.

Speaking of which, the weather here is desperate. Sheets of icy rain, wind, grey and wet. Good for staying in and, in case you need a word puzzle to help with January, here's one.

Happy evening everyone, may all your life puzzles be speedily dispatched.


  1. Wowee! Both pictures on that puzzle are beautiful. What a spirit lift I imagine them to be - especially during this snowy weather. And yes... I think I might be hearing the sermon. ;^)

    1. The sermon's practically writing itself! Nice to see you, Becki.

  2. It feels like everybody everywhere is having 'weather' right about now. We are experiencing yet another snow storm.

    1. We were supposed to have snow but it became all rain. Well, you don't have to shovel rain.

  3. How wonderful to have had such a nice visit with your neighbour friend after such a long period! It's hard to see others aging and struggling, I know. Alas, it is the way of the world, however. Fortunate that you've got a two sided puzzle to do, given the weather conditions!

    1. What's shocking is to see it in someone so much younger than I. Late 60s. But yes, it's what happens.

  4. That visit sounds like just the ticket for both of you. I could hear the gales of newsletter laughter from here, counterbalanced, I'm sure, by the more somber catching up. I hope she made it home before the real gales set in.

    I have a sweet idea about this puzzle!

    Chris from Boise

    1. We always scream with laughter at some point! And it sounds as if you got the puzzle right off.

  5. So many pretty flowers. I’d love that truck to pull up at my house and drop off their load of plants lol
    I’m sorry about your friend. When people see me using my walking stick they comment that I’m too young to be using that. I tell them it’s not the miles that have done the damage. It’s the terrain. Never assume I say.

    1. Yes, we can't guess at other people's health. And I don't comment on my friend's current situation, because she already knows about it!

  6. The second side of that puzzle looks to be the more challenging - although we would thing just deciding in round 1 which way up each piece went would have been challenge enough.

    1. The second side is easier because there are no solid dark bits nor hazy areas. But it would have been too much red for me to build from scratch. The issue of which side was simplified by the makers -- truck side glossy finish, flower side matt. All in all, one of the better puzzles up to now.

  7. I was going to ask if you'd done the second side, so good thinking to turn it over. (Though if you'd taken it apart you could have treated it like a whole new puzzle!) I'n glad you got to visit with your friend. For the puzzle, I'm thinking....a dessert item?

    1. Sounds as if you've solved the puzzle. I didn't want to build all that red! I hate red so this much is plenty, just rebuilding the broken bits.

  8. How absolutely precious that your friend made her way to your house for a visit. I know it wasn't easy for her but I feel certain that she felt it was well worth the effort.

    1. She did look pretty happy. I think she was tired, but not done in.

  9. The visit with your friends sounds lovely though touched with some sadness at seeing her frailty. I can imagine she felt rejuvenated by the visit!

    The two sided puzzle came in handy in this miserable weather. We have the same.

  10. Sometimes a decision to delay an action can be a great one as you found out with the unexpected visit of your friend, Boud. I know what you mean about it being hard to see those we knew as strong, failing in body, but apparently not in spirit. Your visit sounded wonderful and the weather did not so glad your plans changed. I didn't know puzzles were two-sided so now you have another to work on.

    1. Yes about her spirit! Still very interested in the neighborhood doings!

      I didn't know there were two sided puzzles either till I came across this one at the library.

  11. Two sided puzzle? How can you tell which side of the piece is the picture you're working on? glad you got a nice visit. My friend and neighbor, s few years younger than me, is so unsteady of her feet that she is already using a walker.

    1. About the two sides, explained in the blog and again in my response to Tigger!
      I think what's upsetting is when much younger people lose their mobility, or have to navigate a whole life with obstacles.. It seems so unfair.

  12. I suspect the answer to today's puzzle is a bit of a sticky wicket. And regarding the other puzzle, it's the first time I've seen one that is two-sided. Such a good idea.

    1. I think you not only got the puzzle but a cool clue, too!

  13. How lovely that you got to catch up with your friend. I hope she will continue to improve.
    My heart sank at the puzzle with more than one possibility but then I realised it wouldn't be that sticky to work out.

    1. You guys are so good at the clues. They're an art form in themselves.


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