Thursday, January 12, 2023

Food as art, art as food

 Yesterday's Misfits box was a thing of beauty. Complete, on time, lovely quality.

And the trimmings made a stock simmering all afternoon, ending as a pot of carrot, red lentil soup.

While I was washing produce, I found this among the spinach leaves

Anyone know what it is? I put it in water to see if it tells me anything.

And here's the edible art studio

Resulting in the edible sculpture, "Tout Passe" 

Dimensions h 7.5", w 5", d 3.5"
Materials: Gaia apple, cherry, blueberries, potato, grains of rice, shortbread.

And here he is, awaiting his fate as today's midmorning snack

Sometimes art is not long..

Happy day everyone, play with your food!


  1. Poor Mr Fruit Man looks pretty unhappy sitting there on his instrument of execution. Make it a quick and merciful one!

  2. Replies
    1. I'll check. Yes, in recent years we have had no cherry crop, late frosts, so I pushed out the boat and ordered these.

  3. Beautiful Misfits box! Enough to restore your faith! That could just be some random field weed that got picked with your spinach. It almost reminds me of the fireweed that grows here but if you handled it and it didn't sting the hell out of you, it's not.

    1. Nope, didn't bother me. I'm wondering if it's veronica.

  4. I love those cherries, they are beautiful!

    1. Yes, I couldn't resist displaying them in the yellow bowl.

  5. I'm always sending ideas for food art to our #2 son and daughter-in-love for use with our grandies. So many fun ways to present food that the little ones love. Nice to know adults like it just as much.
    Afraid I'm no help with the identification of the mystery leaves.

  6. I'll be placing an order with Misfits this afternoon if they have fennel. They haven't had for awhile. Mr. Apple Head!

    1. I just had an email from them with changes for my area, welcome ones for me, reduced minimum order, no minimum on cold pack, which means I can afford fish etc much better, own delivery vans, we'll see if they're better than FedEx. Not everywhere, if you haven't heard.

  7. I think the weed could be creeping Charlie, it looks like what grows so freely in my yard and through my veggie garden.

    1. Thank you. I looked it up and I think you're right. I also think I've got it growing around the patio, too.

  8. Now that’s a mister potato, apple,head I like. Lol
    Bon appetite

  9. Any green leaf something is a no for me after my stinging nettle experience. Even if a botanist gave me a positive ID. Glad you are ok.

    1. It's just a benign little creeper really. No scent, prickles, pretty friendly. I had some dramatic experience with nettles as a little kid, so I understand caution with them.

  10. I agree about the cherries - got some last week and they were delicious after I rounded them up from everywhere they had rolled amongst the other groceries. And washed off the coating of salt from the container that had been crushed and poured it's contents throughout same groceries. I don't think I'm on the "new and improved distribution method" list, but I sure hope I will be!

    1. It sounds as if your local FedEx does rough handling. Here they're around the development delivering daily, and I think I get the benefit. Easy stop, curbside parking, three steps to the porch.


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