Saturday, December 31, 2022

Late today but oh well

 Yesterday I managed to make a pot of soup, with the last of the game hen and various Christmas vegetables. It came out well considering, and was very welcome yesterday then today for lunch. The kind you drink  steaming hot from a mug, simple.  No pictures, all I could do was do it. 

Gary stopped in last evening to check, Handsome Son came over this afternoon on his way to work, brought cold supplies, take out all my recycling before the New Year, and bring in the mail.

Some real mail in the box , there waiting several days, and now I get to see. Thank you everyone who sent cards and wishes for Christmas and the New Year, I'm finally getting to enjoy them.

Today's blogging energy went into finally managing to take a longed-for shower and shampoo, then resting after. 

Speaking of supply chain issues, the latest gloves have been done for days, but as you know, shipping issues. 

I'm hoping for next week when the PO opens.  What the mfrs call unavoidable delay!

Happy day everyone. I'm so lucky to have people willing to make sure I'm okay, including you, dear blogistas, and the friends who emailed checking in. You're so appreciated.

Now I'm staying firmly on the sofa reading a favorite Barbara Pym, Less than Angels. My favorite character in all fiction, Catherine Oliphant.

And Alaric, who might end up marrying her, who knows, anthro returned from Africa with animai masks of red beans and palm fibers. He thinks how restful it would be for older people to wear them, no concern about looks or having to adopt required expressions of interest or concern! How I agree.

With that thought, Happy New Year everyone! Take care of yourself this year.


  1. Good to know you are resting and having soup. Also good the guys are looking in on you. Let's hope the New Year brings you wellness.

  2. We are all so used to each other's schedules and routines that if you are late posting, it can be a bit of a worry. NOT to say that you must be concerned with OUR concern. Just that I feel as if we look out for one another. So thank you for writing. I know that sometimes it's not easy to find the energy. And thank you for being part of my life. I wish you the happiest and healthiest of New Year's.

  3. Good news! Glad you are feeling a bit better!

  4. All things look better after a shower don't they. Good to know that Gary and Handsome Son are checking up on you.
    Happy New Year!

  5. The soup sounds perfect. The gloves are lovely and will keep someone’s hands toasty warm.
    Happy new year to you. May it be a happy and healthy one

  6. I imagine you drinking the soup from a mug while wearing the gloves. Of course you didn't but it was a nice image!
    I like the idea of masks to avoid facial expressions and general faciness.
    Happy New Year Liz. I am so glad I found your blog.

    1. I'm glad too. I love how you've plunged in to take part. We should launch the full mask fashion. Complete with fancy embellishments.

  7. Nothing like a good shower and shampoo to brighten a day of not feeling well! Enjoy your novel and a quiet ringing in of the New Year!

  8. yay soup! typing one-handed and feeling like archie of 'archie and mehitabel', with a very concerned-by-fireworks-rowan cuddled on my other arm. happy new year, and may it soon be a healthy one too!

    chris from boise

    1. A and M: kittens? What kittens? One of the most chilling lines!

  9. Barbara Pym. I read a few a long time ago.

    You seem to be getting along and getting a little better. Glad you got to see your son.

    Have a good first day and a good year.

    1. Thank you. Pym is comfort funny reading. I'm currently with the Aingers on the Spanish steps.

  10. I am glad you are improving. It was concerning when you seemed quiet for a long time.

    1. I was still blogging daily,but at a low ebb! Rarely commenting on other blogs, too.


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