Friday, December 30, 2022

Sleeping time

 I seem to be sleeping a lot now, maybe catching up. No energy for much, but at least not weaker than I was. Sorry about the endless medical notices! Just letting you know I'm still vertical more or less.

Slept through two texts and a Skype from an increasingly nervous handsome Son! 

I did lose internet access most of yesterday so I'm behind on blog reading and replying. Actually read books!

Happy day everyone, try to be as vertical as your own situation permits.


  1. Thank you for letting us know. Sleep is healing. I can imagine HS becoming more and more worried about you. I'm mostly vertical, at least from the torso up!

  2. Sleep is good when you're not feeling well. Gives the body time to "work on maintenance," so to speak!

  3. Gravity does pull on one, doesn't it? I'm staying vertical today but not very active so far. I will work on that.
    Rest as much as your body wants. The world will wait.

  4. Sometime is pays to be behind on regular stuff and to take a break and do different things for refreshment of the mind and spirit. Enjoy the sleep - 'tis the season of long nights so make the most of it. xxx Mr T

  5. Hoping that you're horizontal, actually - much easier to sleep that way. Do take in nutrition in between naps. Rest and food should have you up and about soon.

    Chris from Boise

  6. Books! What a refreshing low-tech change! :)

  7. Glad you are ok but I understand your son’s concern. Take care, Boud.

  8. Am feeling it's time to get horizontal. Hope you're able to stay vertical more each day.

  9. Listen to your body and sleep as much as you need.
    It’s lovely your son is checking up on you. Definitely a lovely young man

  10. Feel better and best to Handsome Son. Happy Bew Year!

  11. Sleep is good (that's coming from one who is constantly sleep-deprived). Nice to know that Handsome Son is concerned about you - he's a good guy.

  12. Anything that allows you time to read has to be a good thing.

  13. Sleep when you can, be vertical when you can and read books and blogs. Your advice is good.

  14. Actually, Liz, my eyes will clap shut soon; I'm off to bed myself.

  15. I have been sleeping better recently. I appreciate it, but I don’t know why it is happening. Last night my watch recorded 7+ hours although I do recall that the first few were a little restive, and I did have to get up once to change a soaked shirt. Now, why the heck am I telling you this? 🤓

  16. Sleep is good for healing. Sorry to hear whatever it is is lingering.


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