Sunday, December 4, 2022

Small pleasures, SAD and squirrels

 I was thinking maybe I wouldn't blog today, not up for it, worried about various things I can't do much about, when I started reading Tom Cox and light dawned

I hadn't recognized it, because October was so sun filled and November shot by, but yes.

Anyway I decided to make the Christmas decorations mainly about dolls and small artworks, made for and by me, given to me, and needing their time in the sun on the mantelpiece.

Like these two artworks by sister Irene

Sitting on a shelf made by handsome Son as a school project. I put the fairy on a clamshell from the Jersey shore, so she could play being Venus.

I'm reading

A novel about an aging single woman, the one left home to take care of a difficult mother and hold down a newspaper job to support them. It starts innocently, gets into an issue of reporting on a claimed virgin birth and is getting steadily less simple and evident as it goes.

Speaking of actual simple pleasures, here's the first glove, very pleased with the changes I made, much better longer cuff and the threefold yarns are sturdy and warm

And outside, the squirrels are finding a few scraps of bread to deal with

And here's a clue to the word puzzle: the World Cup pretty much consists of them!

Leaving you with that and probably saying great, now I need a clue to get the clue.. happy day everyone, Sunday morning here, enjoy whatever day it is there!


  1. I love how your creativity and optimism always wins out! Lovely gloves too.

  2. I find November somewhat dispiriting here. The colour is gone, and the snow and lights haven’t arrived yet. Now, I am worried that we won’t have a white Christmas, and we don’t want that.

    1. I'm happy to postpone snow, but I hear you on the lack of color.

  3. SAD has started for me for sure. It helps if I get outdoors every day. If I can’t get for a walk, I feel miserable. The treadmill is so boring!

    1. Yes, walking helps. When it's pouring rain as it has been here, I miss walking.

  4. Thank you for the reminder about SAD - I know it's coming so best I get the 'happy light' dusted off and turned on. Don't know if it actually helps, but I figure it can't hurt. My worst month is February and it's to be dreaded (the only bright spots are our sons birthdays),
    Nice to see Irene's art!

    1. I wonder if you'd seen those pieces before. By February the light level is so much higher I do better. Now is a bit draggy.

  5. This time of year is hard for me, too. The recipients of your gloves will thank you everyday. I do like your fairy in the shell.

  6. Now those gloves are a thing of beauty! Yes! I love them.
    It is gloomy here today although warm. And we do get through these days, don't we? No matter how much we may doubt that we will. We go through them, we get through them. Thank you for reminding us.

  7. I don't really suffer from SAD because we have so many sunny days in winter but when a long streak of overcast skies happen all I want to do is sit and read. I could never live in the PNW though.

    1. Me neither. I had enough of clouds and rain growing up.

  8. No one got that one? I was very busy yesterday and so could not participate. Now what do I do? Be a spoiler and just blurt it out? I don't get the soccer match clue however. I'll say this if you're talking about your aunt and she's open to about anything and you called her your open aunt and you said that really fast, you would have it. Forgive me if I'm reading in the wrong place and someone has already got this one.

  9. The world cup only has two of them and they change depending on your perspective.

  10. Beautiful Venus! And I like that painting too.

  11. That's a stitched collage, nice isn't it?

  12. Irene's artwork makes me smile.

    1. She was my last remaining sib, who left us in September, so I thought the first solo Christmas could include her.

  13. F's SAD season seems to be November. She had probably forgotten that when slogging through the house move and rain day after day. Now that you mention it we understand and you have full sympathy from here. It seems a bit difficult to sweep some Christmas spirit together at Mr T

    1. Yes, and for me, birthday spirit. Oh well.

  14. No, I can't work out the puzzle.

  15. I don't think the malaise at this time of year is just a SAD thing. People suffer from it here, too, and our SADdest months are July and August. I think it is a winding down from the year. A need to take time out and recharge. And, dare I say it, a sense of foreboding as we hurtle towards the festive season with all the commercialism and obligations thrust upon us.
    You have long fingers. Those gloves look very warm and cosy.
    I did get the puzzle after realising that I only needed another 2 letters!

    1. Good going on the puzzle. I'll give the answer tomorrow. Interesting thoughts about when SAD happens in Australia, too.

  16. Every day after December 21st is longer than the previous day. So there, winter solstice. By the time we notice you, you're almost gone.

    1. It takes a long time to notice those lengthened days, then suddenly they're there.

  17. Yes, I got it. That was a pretty sneaky comment. I guessed the word, then went back and read the comment. Didn't really appreciate it the first time!

  18. I love the fairy on a clamshell! I haven't historically had too much trouble with SAD, but then I often go to Florida to see family in December and that probably cures it.

    1. The one time I spent part of December in Florida I couldn't believe the light. Then I was really hit when I got back to dark old NJ before the solstice.

  19. Those artworks by Irene are beautiful. I don't get affected by the lack of light this time of year as I am always enjoying the overcast days for a different type of photography. My husband has a SAD light, it hurts my eyes so I put it back in the basement.

    Dollorama? I approve!

    1. I thought you would like Dollarama. Readers here will know more soon.

  20. Irene's vibrant fairy on the half-shell is a thoughtful way of including her memory into the holidays. December can be a tough month for celebrations, especially when birthdays are included. I'm thankful for the days you can get out and walk, as that seems to always brighten your days.

    Chris from Boise

  21. You're right about walking. I don't always feel like it but I'm usually glad I did.


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