Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Puzzle reveal and interesting art

 The puzzle seems to have puzzled! Debra hit on the pattern. Here's a next possible link after vortex: remain. Then a possible next: mainly.

Have you spotted what's happening? The third letter of each link is the initial letter of the next.  That's how come there can be various answers.

Meanwhile back in the sickroom, the patient is feeling very cranky and stuffy and coughy and not up to much, but a bit stronger than yesterday. 

I really think it's so long since I was sick that I can't remember how to do it!  I did have some supplies at home, and had picked up tissues, vital. Definitely an amateur at this, wildly impatient to feel better, but reminding myself there's no rush.

But I've always thought you need to push a bit to recover, not just wait for it to happen, which may not be great medical advice.

Anyway I did get the current gloves knitted, days ago and will mail them when I can get to the post office. And I saw an interesting idea for a bit of art, which probably is a good sign, that I fancy trying it.

It needs cardboard , maybe a section of the Misfits box which is finally marked "out for delivery". We'll see! 

The reason I use Misfits is that it's organic items and it's discount, also they don't make substitutions. If I ordered the equivalent locally it would cost much more, and quite a few items aren't available in this region. 

So although I've been very annoyed this time, it's the second problem in about 75 deliveries. Overall not so bad. And our weather temp has been dramatically worse than normal, which has affected a lot of delivery issues. 

Yesterday I watched a bit of this, mainly for the cosy scenes in the various homes.

So there we are. Happy day everyone! Keep on keeping on, we'll get there!


  1. I am joining you in the sick room. Here's to getting better, although I'm not pushing it. I use Misfits, too. I've started buying the cold pack, good price on whole chicken and on fish. I'll keep on keeping on if you will!

    1. Well, that's not so good. I hope you feel better soon. I know you like the cold pack i like the fish particular, but can only afford it now and then, given the minimum requirements for both produce and cold pack. The quality's very good.

  2. So many things on my plate these days I just could not get to the puzzle, OK I'll admit it, I was also stumped! :)
    Thanks for sharing those, I really like them.

  3. Yes. You can't push yourself into recovery from an illness. I mean- you can try to be as active as you feel capable of but overdoing it does not help.
    How I love the Wind in the Willows.

  4. We have a dozen friends (and now Sandra!) also down with one bug or another. What a holiday season! Cranky is good, a sign of increasing energy. Grump away :-) Pushing it, not so much - though I'm not sure you're constitutionally capable of NOT pushing it.

    Ditto Ms. Moon on Wind In The Willows.

    This will be an interesting Misfits unboxing. I hope it arrives today, in good shape, and not too much weight or fuss for you in your current condition. Hang in there!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I'm quite bored with resting. But when I try to do something --like the dishes-- I have to stop in the middle and rest!

    2. Hmmm...perhaps your body is telling you something?!? :-)

  5. You poor thing. You have got it bad. But maybe your body just needs some time to rest too.

  6. Surely the 3rd and 4th give you the first and last letters but I can't think of a word beginning in v and ending in o, so am I making it too complicated?

    1. My brain is not up to following your variation!

  7. Over the years I've had many problems with Misfits Market, which is a shame because their mission is so appealing. Started using them back before the pandemic started, and even then I had to contact them about problems so many times it got to be Not Fun opening the box. Fair play, they are excellent about refunding for unacceptable items, as you may find out soon. And all that said, there are some items that always came through in good shape, and I sometimes still place an order.

    1. I've been using them for almost three years, two late deliveries in that time. Not so bad. But your location can play a role. I'm in an easy to reach place. They instantly process refunds on request.

    2. Exactly. I've always thought the distance/location was the issue, but hoped that as the business grew - which it certainly did during the early months of the pandemic - the delivery framework might improve just due to volume!

  8. I am nursing a head cold acquired from the grandkids. They are our usual source of germs. They keep me up-to-date on the latest viruses!

    Take it easy, Boud. Feel better soon!

  9. I like puzzles with a right answer - not a plethora of choices!
    If you can't even do the dishes without having a wee rest I think you might, just might, be sicker than you are giving your poor body credit for.
    Rest dammit.

    1. Yes, will do! I tend to be a bit demanding on this little body.

  10. So many people feeling ill. I am knocking on wood, and it hurts my head.

  11. You can’t rush getting better. It actually is counter productive and will make you crash and delay getting over it all. So rest is a must.
    I hope your back on your feet soon.

    1. Thank you. Excellent advice around here today.

  12. Sorry to hear your recovery is going slower that you would like but isn't that the way it is. That you're impatient says you're getting better. And the cardboard art, is that the end result or is there more to it?

    1. Tge cardboards art is two things: a standalone piece and a printmaking plate. Cool

  13. The word puzzle was even more clever - third and fourth letters were beginning and end of the one that followed hence 'velcro'....

    1. Yes, there were two levels in this one. I went for the entry, you for the advanced. There was some argument in the original group about whether name brands were legal, like proper names. I didn't wade into it

  14. Crankiness is a good sign so you must be on the road to recovery. Just take your time!!


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