Saturday, May 6, 2023

Sunshine, puppies, curry joy

Today has been a series of fun things to do. The morning weaving is coming along fine, more than halfway up the panel and my skills improving as I go. This evening I'll spin, and maybe knit.

Then the latest paparazzi shot of Mrs Dove

And nature notes on the solitary cactus flower 

Later this morning I made the chicken curry. 

I used butter, olive and avocado oil to cook the onions, added after first cooking the Bill Veach Curry Powder #1 till it smelled heavenly, technical term. 

Then I added in the chicken, chopped almonds, salt and pepper, turned them over a few times before adding chicken stock. After everything was cooked, about a cup of coconut milk, to simmer a while, till I made sure the rice was ready. 

When I used to make this for Handsome Partner, the curry and rice was only the bit in the middle of the plate. 

I also made side dishes, such as bacon,  fried crisp and crumbled, banana slices in lemon juice, raisins fattened up in hot water, figs in syrup, and more,  and always Major Grey's Mango Chutney.

Eaten Bill Veach style, you put helpings of whatever dishes you liked, we liked all of them, around the margin of your plate, then filled the spoon with a different combo of rice, curry and extras each time. And I used to make the coconut milk from a raw coconut I grated and squeezed through a cheesecloth. Yes, very extra!

I wasn't up to that today, hence the can of coconut milk, but I did have some lovely moist dried apricots and some dried cranberries which filled the extra requirements nicely.

The coconut milk gives a lovely velvety finish and though it's a spicy dish, it's mellow too. And there's enough for tomorrow. 

The rest of the coconut milk is in the freezer for next time I make a curry.

There was an online presentation on ikat weaving which I'll show you tomorrow, editing galore still needed.

Then Gary needed to be out without Billy the Pup, would I just check on him? Would I? I spent most of the afternoon with him, next door. 

I couldn't bring him to my patio, because the last thing Mrs Dove needs is a hyperactive puppy around.  So we played at Gary's, and Billy eventually calmed down enough to sit and be held and watch clouds and birds and anything that moved, and run away with his tug.  

Nice afternoon. L'apres midi d'un petit chien chaud. Warm puppy time.

Now I need to sit down a bit, with my new tray in action

Today's special events:

My township's observance of Founders' Day. Though NJ was one of the original colonies, half the signers of the D being buried around here, my town wasn't founded till 1919, brand new, really.

Also it's the Trenton AKC Dog Show in a local park. It's a cool one if you're interested in the dog world because it's one of the must stops for handlers and dogs qualifying for Westminster, the big one. So you see a huge range of breeds and,  even more entertaining, owners. 

Nothing else of note.. to me, anyway:)

Never a dull moment. Happy day everyone, enjoy your day, I definitely am.


  1. That curry sounds delicious! And glad you got some puppy luuuuuv this afternoon!

  2. A delectable day all around! I trust you gave Billy-boy a scritch and a cuddle from us online fans. Mrs. Dove looks very content under the growing henbit.

    Chris from Boise

    1. It's getting harder to spot her now. All the better for her fledglings when they hatch.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished weaving. The edited ikat weaving will be fun to watch. I enjoyed weft ikat, in a simplified form.

    1. It will be quite a while for my own project, involving spinning, knitting and weaving, is done!

  4. Your curry reminded me of the curries of my youth. Mother used to make West African curries and we had the side dishes of all sorts of things like cucumber, roasted peanuts, banana tossed in coconut, raisins, tomatoes and many more I can no longer remember. And of course, the chutney. I never wrote down her recipe for the curry so that is now long gone.

    1. I love all the side dishes, so much more entertaining than just a plate of curry and rice, however good it is.

  5. That was wide and thoughtful to spare Mrs Dove, and Billy didn't suffer either.

    1. I'm hoping to puppy sit again. Gary takes Billy everywhere he legally can, though.

  6. Billy looks like a sweet pup. So nice that you are both beneficiaries of you being asked to check on him. :)

    1. He's wildly hyperactive, but has a gentle mouth. You can trust him not to nibble!

  7. Puppy siting is the best. You get to play and have fun but hardly any responsibility
    Kinda like grandchildren lol


  8. When do you suppose that the Dove Children will be breaking through their eggs? There is something so beautifully amazing about the hatching of chicks, whether domestic or wild.
    That puppy is a frolicsome gift to your little community.
    I would love to taste your curry.

    1. About the doves, see today's update. Eggs still intact.

  9. You and Billy had a nice afternoon together. He is adorable. I look forward to the seeing the baby doves. I made Thai curry a couple of years ago. This is when I found neither of us like coconut milk!

    1. As long as neither likes it, not a problem to avoid it, then. In this curry you do need a creamy ingredient, so I guess whole milk or cream would work, too.

  10. Nothing better than puppy time although I agree that Mrs. Dove wouldn't be a fan.

    1. I'm being hyper cautious about not alarming the Family Dove.


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