Thursday, May 4, 2023

May The Fourth be with you

Today, here's the wish of the day*

*Written in Pitman. For those few who may need a translation: 

The Fourth of May is Star Wars Day. May the Force be with you.

And the last word from the Treasury Mog

On to less important things, yesterday was a knitting, weaving, spinning day. 

Sock Ministry sock, weaving of scarf/panel, and spinning of sari and other silk roving for future weaving in future panels.

I think the current weaving may be part of a bigger thing I've had in mind, a skirt with woven front and back panels, knitted shaped sides.  The idea is from Sarah Swett.  I'll use a mixture of artisan yarn and my handspun yarn.

Which means spinning. Some of my roving supplies 

And here left roving, middle current yarn on spindle, right handspun yarn, various fibers

This is a really exciting idea from years ago, I have notes and sketched pattern shapes that came back last night, as a side effect of reading this

It's a guided tour of his house, containing home and studio, shared with longtime business and life partner Brandon Mabley. It's a color riot of stitching and knitting and quilting, and collections of great decorative art pieces.

And here's a source of his inspiration

In Havana, Cuba, Fusterlandia, the creation of artist Jose Fuster, playful and happy work, full of color and movement.

It's a far cry from all this exuberance to my simple art weaving and knitting, but the Force is with me!  

My doctor agrees, after this morning's physical, which showed my mortal coil to be holding up nicely, all parts working, nothing hurting. She kept telling me how lucky I am. Well, I did know that.

And outside, Mrs Dove continues to do her bit for the life force

Happy day everyone, enjoy your life force!


  1. Happy 4th to you as well. Loved the cat picture. Will be anxious to see your project progress. Sounds interesting and colorful.

    1. The progress will be slow, big project. I think Treasury Mog is a great account, always on point.

  2. Yesterday was may the 4th day here. Today it’s revenge of the 5th!
    Saw a meme on Facebook and giggled

    1. Yes, you'd already celebrated before I wrote that. Today's Cinco de Mayo, which is not Mexican independence day, that's later in the year.

  3. I forgot about Star Wars day! Usually Dave reminds me. Mrs. Dove is beautiful! Glad your physical went well and everything is in working order. :)

    1. It's always good to have a machine that's not too rusty yet. I'm a big fan of whichever dove is sitting. They take turns and I can't tell who's who.

  4. Happy 4th! Good news at the Doctor's office. Yay! Keep on…

  5. What good news from the doc! The Fourth is definitely with you today :-). It will be fun to watch your skirt ideas come into being.

    Chris from Boise

    1. The project, maybe skirt, will be long and slow, since I'm making the yarn as well as the fabric. I like it because incorporates spinning and knitting and weaving, and maybe a bit of crochet.

  6. Yes, your doctor's opinion is the best part of Star War Days. And tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, for those interested.

    1. Always nice to get good news at the doctor's office, I this case no news.

  7. I had no idea about Star Wars Day. Fun!

    I love playing with color and pattern. The best inspirations are found in cultural traditions around the world.

    1. I think you're always open to new exciting visual adventure, also play. Good for you.

  8. I am not sure if the Fourth was with me yesterday, but I may not have quite been with It. Good news about your mortal coil.

    1. I'm hoping for the best for yours, too.

  9. Somehow I missed this one so I'll just slip in and tell you how happy I am at what your doctor told you.

  10. Yay for good news from the doctor - always a welcome thing.
    I laughed when I saw the Darth Kitty because only a cat could look so disgusted.

    1. I don't think the helmet stayed on long!


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