Thursday, May 25, 2023

Misfits, strawberries, new cars and weaving

Yesterday I sent off the Sock Ministry parcel, paid with a card at the PO, and got a bit of cash back to take to the farm for a second strawberry attempt. 

At the stand was another would-be shopper finding she didn't have enough cash. Like me she looked at a credit card use, then saw the $20 minimum and didn't!

Anyway I had $10 which was $8, ouch, for strawberries and $2 left. I saw basil packs marked $2, perfect. Then the nice kid at the counter asked if I wanted the whole four pack. Turns out it's $8 per four pack, $2 per plant in the pack. Last time I bought four packs the marked price was the pack and $2-3 is the usual range  I do like to support my local farmer, but not be exploited. 

So one box of strawberries this year, basil elsewhere. This is the whole box 

First bite of the year!

And lunch, with dessert, custard pudding decorated with fresh strawberries. 

Meanwhile Gary's back home with a lovely new toy

Beemer convertible, high performance car. He used to have beemers long ago, before children, and now he's revisiting them. He plans on a year of fun before trading for a bigger car to include grandchildren. 

And weaving is moving right along.

I'm in a rhythm now, moving faster, better fabric, better selvedges. 

And while I was upstairs weaving, my Misfits box arrived

Soon I'm making a shrimp curry, and various other good things. The blueberry spinach filled pita breakfasts only involve assembly.

Good things to come!

Happy day everyone, you up for a puzzle?

 Enjoy your puzzles, toys and food!


  1. We did our grocery shop this morning. First major shop in a month. It was a shock to see how prices had increased in the last month. Butter was $8.00 a pound. I don’t know how people can afford to bake.

    1. Butter's been that price for quite while here. Yes, makes you wonder how people are managing.

  2. Go Gary! Nice wheels

    Same here with plant prices depending where you go.
    I cut my budget by 90%. Instead, I planted seeds. Too chilly to plant yet.

    1. I think seeds are the way. I usually grow basil from seed, but just thought a plant would be nice.

  3. For once, the answer to the puzzle came to me immediately. Of course I could be wrong.
    That farm stand is really proud of their goods, isn't it? That's what my mother-in-law used to say about things that were expensive.
    Gary much be thrilled with his new toy. You are so right about Boyz and their Toyz.
    Now I want some custard with strawberries. And you are a fast weaver!

    1. Proud of their goods is right! I think Gary and this car is like Mr moon and his fishing trips-- do it while you still can!

  4. The weaving is fabulous. Love the colours.

    1. Thank you. It's feeling more natural as I go.

  5. That's not much for $8, but I don't need to tell you that. I really like the car, Gary will have a year, maybe more, of great driving fun! I think I have shrimp in the freezer. Curry sounds really good.

    1. I really fancy that shrimp. About food prices, I think I've got spoiled with misfits, so much cheaper than anything around here even barely comparable in quality.

  6. I sat down to do the puzzle, and the answer popped right into my head. :-)

    The weaving is coming along well. I too love the colors.

    Strawberries and custard - mmmm!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Sneaky clue! The weaving is feeling good right now.

  7. The scarf is lovely and well executed, as you know. I am happy not to know the cost of food, but it remains heavy on the minds of management here.

    1. Thank you for the nice words about the scarf. Yes, I expect management is looking for ways to figure out rising costs.

  8. I am sure when I curl up and get comfortable the answer will come to me.
    Shiny new red sportscar - go Gary! Now we need a photo with a small black dog in it!
    I love strawberries but they have to be sweet. The ones we tend to get in the supermarkets are dry and floury. I can't wait to get some from the actual grower.

    1. These strawberries are wonderful, even though expensive. Picked same day as sold, so you're eating sunshine.
      Gary and his toy are out, and Billy the Pup is home! Another neighbor is checking on him.
      Sneaky clue!

  9. Is Gary going through a mid-life crisis?

    1. In his seventies, I'd say more like last hurrah!

  10. Ohhhh I love the colours on that piece of weaving.
    You are getting very good now. It’s strawberry season here too and they’re everywhere
    The car looks great. And being red it will go even faster. Or that’s what I’m told anyway lol

    1. I notice how often red is associated with fast cars. I think it fits with the excitement. Thanks for the nice words about the weaving.

  11. I’m with Angela on liking the colours, they have a warm look to them
    Strawberry season finished here a while ago….The Golfer picks them up from the farm gate near the course. Now he picks up fresh sprouts from the farm further down the road. Different seasons- different produce.

    1. So good to get them from as close to the source as possible. So much better than the store.

  12. Oh and I meant to say I’ve been sitting here by the fire thinking about your puzzle. The answer sometimes comes along in twos like pears and is really sweet combined with something larger making three pieces altogether

  13. I've got the puzzle. Nice car! We had our first strawberries of the season last night as well.

    1. I think the first taste of the season of anything is special.

  14. blueberry and spinach combo? sounds like something my friend Dana would put together.

    1. I like a few combos of green vegetables and fruit in wholewheat pita -- apricots, banana, apple slices with cilantro, parsley, chopped collard greens etc

  15. Farm markets used to be a deal and I never minded if they were a LITTLE more because of supporting local (probably better) produce. But that's ridiculous!

    1. I like to support local ag. But this is pricing me out.

  16. It's still too soon for strawberries here but I do wonder how much they'll be. $8 seems to be a lot for that small amount of fruit. So much for any plans of making any quantity of jam. We rarely visit our local farmer's market until late fall because everything is priced at least three times as much as what you can get in a store. Yes, it's good to support local farmers and I'd love to do that, but unfortunately we can't afford them.

    1. Up to now farm stand prices have been a bit higher but the quality so much better that I've been glad to shop there. But this is a new departure. They may have lost me.


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