Thursday, December 24, 2020

Last day of the Advent Calendar

 The last day has double doors, very dramatic

And it opens to the best tree ever, for the Snowshoe Hare and Santa Tomte to admire

And here's the whole season of Advent for us to see at once

Thank you all for following this, it's been fun opening a door each day.  And thank you Heather C., for giving me one of the best ways I've ever had of navigating the season which is a difficult one for me, with something to look forward to each day. You're a star, dear HGD.

And here's the stage set for the apple crumble Christmas dessert, along with the almond crescents. This is the setup for the apples, crumble topping yet to come.

Tomorrow, if I remember, I'll post a picture of the result before we dive into it.

Meanwhile merry Christmas if you celebrate it, TGIF if you celebrate other days. 

And, a la Tiny Tim, the Dickens one, not the pop one with Miss Vicky, God bless us every one! Trala. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten about Tiny Tim, I wonder if he is still tiptoeing through the tulips somewhere.
    The Advent calendar was fun, I will have to get one next year. Enjoy your Christmas, good luck with the apple crumble, one of my favourites.

    1. Thank you, and you enjoy your Christmas, too, as far as you can!

  2. it is a lovely advent calendar. I don't celebrate myself but I wish you a Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you, and I'm glad you liked the calendar.

  3. Merry Christmas Liz - to you and Handsome Son. I've enjoyed the advent calendar all month and I thank you for sharing it. As Tiny Tim would say 'God bless us every one'.

    1. Thank you for staying with it! and Merry Christmas to you and your family, especially Resident Chef. Good to say that right before a major feast day..

  4. I too wish you a Merry Christmas, and a lovely dinner with Handsome Son. And I too thank Heather for sending such a lovely Advent calendar for you to share with all of us!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I just watched The Bishop's Wife, my annual movie for Christmas. And it had subtitles, yay. So I filled in a lot of bits I'd missed before.
      The Advent Calendar was fun, and I'm sorry it's done. Heather's happy we all enjoyed it.


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