Thursday, December 31, 2020

Forthcoming attractions

This is a library borrow.  It's one of those cookbooks which look so beautiful it would be a shame to expose it to the thrills and spills of a kitchen.  But we'll see what's good in here.  I notice that right away she's using food processors and things I don't have. But my heart will go on.

 This is what I mean by posh.  A ribbon bookmark!  My cookbook book club chose this as last month's selection, and I'll see what I might be up for if ever I want baked goods again after the surfeit of the holidays.

Meanwhile, on an earthier plane, it's shredded red cabbage, steamed with chicken broth and berbere, buttered and maybe a bit of cheese grated over, for lunch, with slices of ham.  A lot of people on hearing cabbage say, ah, coleslaw.  I didn't grow up with it, and I am totally not a fan.

I think it's one of those things, like chatting on the phone and making meatloaf that if you didn't grow up in that culture you never really get it.  I know people who are devoted to both, but I've tried it, and oh well, not my speed.

I ordered a phone.  Here in two days, when the fun of transferring the number and the minutes begins.  But this is easier when the last phone is still working, which was not the case last time around.  They kept on asking me to call from the old phone to the new to establish something or other, and that was impossible.  Handsome Son came over and explained why he was calling from an unknown to them number, and we did eventually get it sorted.  But I'm hoping, famous last words, for an easier passage this time.

Anyway, it will be good to have a phone with all its buttons intact.  The rocker switch vanished at some point on my old one, probably through being dropped, and you can't operate the function, volume, by inserting even the cleverest ideas for tools into it.  Also the storage is small, and I kept bumping up against loud alerts telling me to remove stuff, quick. Including my virus protection.

Last time I did this, I had a funeral for the old phone. Not inclined to do that this year, since it's not actually dead, seems a bit heartless.


  1. looks a lot like a read-only cook book.... something to peruse while enjoying a cuppa tea and a plain biccie in front of the fireplace. And I don't have all those fancy baking gadgets either.
    I never heard of meatloaf until I came to this continent, but now I like it, and actually sometimes make it.

    1. I agree about reading it as fiction! Except I am making the shortbread, in honor of my Scots relatives.

  2. Looks like a pretty cookbook but I often find those types of books call for ingredients and equipment that no normal kitchen would ever have. As for a funeral for the phone - perhaps instead of that there could be a 'celebration of life'?

  3. Won't a new phone be thrilling? I hope it will be.
    I wonder if you would like my venison meatloaf?

    1. The thing is that I don't like meat, especially ground. So I would leave it for other people to enjoy.

  4. A cookbook book club sounds really enjoyable! I'd be interested in reading more about that. How it got started, what you do... anything, really.

    1. Maybe I'll blog about it, to give credit to the right person. Good idea.

  5. Happy new phone.
    The experience of changing phones is scary. Not even a half dozen cannolis in the fridge would be enough of a reward.


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