Friday, December 18, 2020

Dog included

 Interesting that we tend to celebrate Christmas as a time of snow and frost, when the original events took place in a very different climate, where it would have been amazing to have snow everywhere. And the cozy notion of cottages far away on a hillside, too, very geography specific.  Just a thought.

Today is icy after the snow cleanup.  A layer of it lurking under the snow.  So I'm not venturing out today.  No expedition while the cleaning family are here, just staying home, out of their way, wearing a mask.  They are masked and gloved, very considerate.

Soon it will be the solstice, and soon after that we'll see the days lengthen tiny bit by tiny bit.  February in this region always seems weird to me, still very cold but with a lot more daylight to enjoy being frozen..


  1. The days getting longer is a good thing. February is always my worst month because the winter by then has dragged on entirely too long and I'm so anxious to get warm. I love the advent picture today - kids and dogs always are a delight.

    1. I'm always glad February is at least short. As if that made any difference, cosmically speaking! It's just a psychological thing, I suppose.

  2. It is odd how Christmas has come to be represented by Scandinavian or New England landscapes, isn't it? I think about this a lot.

    1. I think of it sadly, as a colonial hangover. Northern Europe rules, etc.

  3. The shorter days are barely adjusted to, and here we'll be going into longer days. All the coping. lol

    1. These last few days before the solstice really weigh on me. Even though it will be weeks before the shortening starts to show, it feels good to get past the solstice.

  4. Wise to stay in until the snow is cleared.

    1. For the last few years my mantra has been: I don't do ice! And there was plenty of it not to do today.

  5. From your box of foodstuffs, it looks like you have enough to keep occupied inside.


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