This morning I saw a Carolina wren again, definitely looking for a new nest location, and I hope she chooses my patio. And suddenly a crowd of robins, running around and pecking and being very welcome, singing in the trees.
We have year-round robins (!) then in spring as suddenly as if a commuter train arrived, they're everywhere.
Daffodils are starting
And snowdrops.
Yesterday I had a full house. Handsome Son was here, making short work of a pot of tea and sugar cookies, when Gary and another old friend showed up.
She was delivering my birthday and Christmas presents, a little late but who's counting. Especially when it's hand dipped nuts, cookies and pretzels
Wonderful afternoon of chat -- I was friends with both of her now-deceased sisters -- and Handsome Son met her for the first time.
They're pretty much his friends now, by inheritance. This is all good for his future after I've gone, though they don't like me to talk that way. The chocolate treats will be shared around. Handsome Son accepted some to take home.
Misfits box stages
Last week's insulated bag and ice block, ready for pick up when the Misfits driver brings this week's groceries.
While waiting for delivery, I finished the current socks
I'm doing gloves next.
And here's Jeff, bang on time, arriving, taking the pickup and delivering the box, then on to his next customer.
I now have a lifetime supply of flour, what with absent-mindedly forgetting I'd stocked up on whole-wheat, which I'd put in the big freezer, and that I'd already ordered ap recently. So here's to many loaves to come.
And the Tony's treat was on its way before I knew chocolate treats would arrive yesterday. Not a big complaint though.
Walnuts for scones and other purposes, cannellini beans for both the beans and the aqua faba. I used to drain it off, not liking the texture till I found out how valuable it is. No more draining.
Berries with yogurt, apples for midmorning snack. Done. Week all set up. I'll also shop in the freezer for mushrooms and green veggies.
The box is now broken down for the recycle.
But happy day everyone, we're not broken down, far from it.
Today's cute winter boots: the Heritage Foundation, that sinkhole of fake stories harassing good people, have issued a questionnaire about the effectiveness of DOGGY.
I really enjoyed filling it out with answers (multiple choice) they won't like. Then they end with a fundraiser!
And here's a positive side to add to tomorrow's Blackout
It's the giving economy, as described in Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer, in action.