Saturday, November 30, 2024

Late season colors and cranberry sauce

Here's a view of a sudden burst of evening sunlight, giving several levels of color and light for a few minutes Friday.

The Japanese maple is still holding onto a few leaves, contrasting with the darker foliage on the butterfly bush and the pink light on the roof behind. 

And Friday's prep for Saturday's Thanksgiving is cranberry sauce, beautiful organic cranberries, pure cane sugar, dash of lemon juice. By tomorrow the flavors will be blended and ready to enjoy. 

Then I'll steam the sugar snap peas and corn, lay the red felt cloth over the puzzle, and set up plates and glasses and the cheese board with the special aged sharp cheddar I'm adding to Handsome Son's selection. 

Not much work, better distribution than in past years, and a whole lot more fun for me.

I'm looking forward to it. 

Happy day everyone. Enjoy your festive days whenever they happen.


  1. I’ve never had home made cranberries. Really before aldi came to Australia I hadn’t. And cranberries at all.
    I do like the jar cranberry jelly. It really does add to the turkey nicely

    1. It's a wonderful sharp flavor. Also great in turkey sandwiches when you get to that point.

  2. Great job making a less stress-filled Thanksgiving! The cranberry sauce sounds delicious.

    1. The holidays are so much better now! Before they were all work, which I took on willingly, but this is better!

  3. I need to make cranberry sauce today. It's one of my favorite holiday treats!

    1. It's so simple, too. But getting great berries is the trick.

  4. You can't beat an old sharp cheddar. Have a wonderful day today, full of thanks.

    1. My son will bring a couple of other choices for our cheese and cracker starters, very posh!

  5. Replies
    1. I have a lovely glass container to serve it in, which comes out for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe I should find an Easter use, too.

  6. Enjoy your festivities with Handsome Son - Happy Thanksgiving to both of you!

    1. Thank you! Handsome Son refers to it as Thanksgiving Observed!

  7. Yum…cranberry sauce. I always make it for one of the grandkids but I love it too. Have a great day, Boud.

  8. I always make my own cranberry sauce too.

  9. I know you will enjoy the day but I'll say it anyway. Have a wonderful time.

  10. I've often thought that the best reason to make cranberry sauce is just to be able to enjoy that color. And it tastes good too! I hope you and HS have a very nice meal.

  11. So you just leave the puzzle down and serve on top of it? I guess that makes sense!

    1. The felt cloth covers the whole table so you aren't aware of the puzzle pieces under it. It beats breaking it down.

  12. I'm sure the cranberry sauce will be delicious and nothing like the bought in the jar variety.

    1. Like most made from scratch food, the flavor is great. I think small batches are the secret. Also no additives nor preservatives, that doesn't hurt either.

  13. I trust your Thanksgiving Observed was wonderful. You have a pretty darned wonderful Handsome Son - one of many parts of your life to be thankful for.

    I just had a yummy appetizer of cranberry relish in plain yogurt, to tide me over till the turkey soup is ready.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Cranberry, yogurt, noted! Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for including friends like you, Chris, who talked me through the hearing aid anxiety!

  14. I hope you both enjoy the celebration!


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