Saturday, November 23, 2024

Looking ahead bravely!

 This is a word display where you just pick what jumps out at you. I think there's a kind of unconscious preparation to see certain words first. I won't tell you mine yet, because you need to do it without cues. 

Friday was wintry, sleety rain, cold, and I was glad to get home after dropping off my bag o' knitting for the library display. 

While I was there I thought it was ages since I looked at the puzzle shelves, so I found one in my preferred size I hadn't done 

500 pieces suits me best because the pieces are big enough for me to handle. The 1,000 are just a fraction too small and I spend a lot of time and goodwill on scrabbling to pick them up only to have them fly through the air.

And here's doll two

Teal and orange with a dusky face. The orange is much more pronounced in real life.

And just the start of doll three 

And later, the doll ready for stitching and stuffing 

I'm aiming for six dolls before I go back to other projects. I'm giving them priority because they'll be needed soon.

Current reading is

Which I think I chose from a list of indigenous people-related stories. I've barely begun, but I like the main character so far, an old indigenous lady, container gardening against all advice in a retirement apartment.

Happy day everyone, no knitting group today, anyway I was already cold and wet from delivering the craft pieces.  Glad to get home, pot of tea, slice of cake and the rest of Cranford.

I think winter has started. The rain has given the earth a great drink, washed down my car and made my hair curl back up and my skin relax. That period of dry days was hard on people like me, with papery dry skin. Much better now.


  1. Just spent an age searching for words - seems they are on almost every other line. The first four are the first I saw.

    1. Yes, the idea is that the first you see are yours.

  2. I’ve yet to find anything to make my hair curl back up. Well, really, I’ve yet to find my hair. My mother would have loved to make these dolls and would have ended up making hundreds.

    1. I've made quite a few. Usually because I'm sending them away and I need enough for a parcel. Your mother sounds like a kindred spirit.

  3. I would love the pattern for those dolls. I think they’re going to look great

    1. Dead simple. Google on Comfort Dolls. Just a rectangle of knitting which you stitch and stuff to create the shape.

  4. I saw gratitude, connection, alignment. Those three seem to work together. Hmmm. The puzzle will be a fun one. Winter is my puzzle time, too!

    1. I think we're going to need quiet calm amusement this winter.

  5. We also had a much needed day of rain on Thursday in Nashua, NH, Boud. And the rain continued for most of the ride to NJ, except for some places where we saw that light snow had fallen on our rainy day. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving too as we will both celebrate in our home state.

    1. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. I'm glad you didn't encounter snow for driving.

  6. I hope you'll show us photos of how you turn those crocheted pieces into the dolls!

  7. I found four words (but perhaps you don't want me to say what they are in the comments so, as you mentioned, not to influence anyone else). Fun exercise.
    Last night I finished the knitting gig for Christmas (my hands were happy) and switched over to crocheting some donation blankets for the humane society which will help them AND use up some oddments of yarn I have that are taking up too much space.

    1. You just never stop doing good work! I like the word exercise, it's thoughtful.

  8. Money, connect, power, pry. So, am I now supposed to say thaw wards over and over? I am not sure Ieven like them. 🤓

    1. Hmmmm, what do your choices say about you, hmmmm..

  9. I believe I will choose not to have a mantra in 2025. If I did, it would be something profane. You can be sure of that.
    I was just wondering when you'd be doing another puzzle. I am in a puzzle slump. I have a 1000 piece one languishing on a card table, about half done.

    1. For ages they didn't have a puzzle I hadn't done, so finally here's one. So typical that I'll have it in the table and need to throw a cloth over it for Thanksgiving dinner! Happened last year too.

  10. I got Do Lessons Love Gratitude. It's dreary November here. You will enjoy getting back into a puzzle.

    1. We're back into sunshine. Cold, but sunshine. Not so dreary. I wonder what lessons your mantra means. Hm.

  11. I don't ever do those word puzzle things. if I have a mantra for 2025 it's 'resist'.

  12. "Money man alignment breakthrough." I have no idea what that means. Maybe I won't have to pay my British taxes? LOL

    I'm glad you're appreciating the humidity. We have the dehumidifier going here, so we have the opposite problem!

    1. I wonder if you could explain that your mantra precludes paying tax?

  13. Love, power, breakthrough, alignment…wonder what they mean? The power of love is a given.

    1. I wonder if the meaning changed when they're changed in order, too.. Like love- - power- alignment-BREAKTHROUGH!

  14. I'm glad you found a puzzle. I took a look at the other and promptly fell asleep!

    1. The first word display isn't a puzzle. It's just a thing to glance over to see what words jump out at you. Which might be none!!

  15. I prefer to self-design my mantras, so will leave the words above for others.

    It will be fun to see the 'hats' turn into dolls. I can't yet visualize the transformation.

    "The Seed Keeper" is a beautifully crafted story.

    Hooray for rain, especially when followed by sun. Surprisingly we had a couple of downpours today. We've been as abnormally dry as you (living in a desert, most of our rain has traditionally fallen in Sept-Nov. Not this year, until just now.) We can hear the trees and shrubs sighing with relief.

    Chris from Boise

    1. You'll see how the dolls work tomorrow, with the instructions. I'm surprised at the mantra idea being taken so seriously. I put it up as a very casual thing, but you never know how ideas will strike other people.
      Rain is not usually in short supply here, so this was a great treat after what seemed like an endless drought.

  16. Purpose change gratitude health. It might be fun to see how many unduplicated words are seen.

    1. I think yours are different from most. I definitely see purpose as a continuing thread in your life.

  17. I'm back with my four words....change, connection, breakthrough and selfcare. Interesting grouping and good for further thought.

    1. I notice how many people hit on breakthrough. It's useful to think a bit about words we find, just to slow down for a moment. Not too seriously.

    2. I mislaid my first group so I just did it again: health, money, gratitude, selfcare! Not as idealistic as my first group.

  18. Strength, gratitude, lessons, family. they'll do for me. The book looks good.


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