Friday, November 22, 2024

Dolls, Misfits and artworks

Written on Thursday.

This morning I decided to start the comfort dolls I plan to send to Navajo children, and got out the doings 

And a while later here's the first doll. 

Black boots, matching pink pants and hat, white sweater, dusky face.  You'll see how it works when I stitch and stuff it.  It's such a treat to have all these colors to choose outfits from.

Then Haleem arrived with my Misfits box, picked up last week's packaging 

And left this beautiful supply 

of organic fruit and vegetables. good food is how I stay well, I'm sure.

And see the beauty of these ruby red onions, and the architecture of them 

The more I cook Asian food, the more I notice how it favors red onions. They do say use yellow if that's what you have, but I think red is probably better if it's preferred.

All the skins are now bagged and in the freezer for future dyeing, because they give a pink dye I love.

Coffee because I've switched to one strong cup for breakfast, dripped Melitta style through a cone. The water passes through the grounds once, making a wonderful strong but mellow flavor. Tea happens in the afternoon.

It's a while since I bought ginger, but my ginger dice in the freezer are almost finished. The smell of this root is so fresh. I may snap a bit off to plant. I've done it before and got a little harvest.

I'll probably add a handful of spinach into the current lentil soup, to cook briefly.

When I survey this counter of food I really feel my privilege. It's my fuel for the good fight! 

This afternoon will be Cranford and a pot of tea while my hands rest from knitting and chopping. It's raining steadily, such a welcome sound. The earth's just soaking it right in, so dry and needy. 

Happy day everyone, enjoy whatever's there. Take care of your feelings.  And let's be safe hands for each other.


  1. Always busy, thinking, creating, planning (and eating well) all add up to having good life to your years.

  2. Wishing you a happy day and wonderful cooking aromas.

    1. Thank you, Mitchell. You too, though I think it may be great restaurant food for you, till SG gets his kitchen up and running.

  3. Ahhh…the rain. So necessary…though it’s hard not to complain after two weeks of it. I appreciate now how important the sun is to my state of mind. I hope you get just enough rain, Boud!

    1. Just enough is the trick. Yes, seeing the sun is a huge boost to your spirits. I really appreciate days when we get sun. The raised light level does something good to the brain.

  4. It shouldn't surprise me that you save onion skins. Have a good TG weekend.

    1. Yes, you coulda guessed I'd have some use for them beyond compost.

  5. Not long ago I read an article on the health benefits of purple fruits 'n veg (high in anti-oxidants and good for brain health) like plums, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Red onions are also included in this colour grouping. I assume eggplants would be as well.

    1. Interesting about the onions. I hadn't thought of that.

  6. Those wee dolls are so easy to make and there's always a need. Soothing enterprise in the making so a win/win all around.

  7. Can't wait to see how this dolly turns out. I believe I've seen your process before but I can't remember it. Typical of me.
    I have a ginger plant going but I can't bear to harvest the roots! Isn't that silly? I do plan to repot it into something bigger so that I can take parts of it without killing it.

  8. An interesting post, you are so creative and I learn from reading your posts.

    1. I'm glad you're reading in here again. I missed you.

  9. A pot of tea, Cranford and rain. Sounds so cozy!

  10. It took me a while of staring at that picture to work out how it could be a doll!

    1. Stay tuned! The pictures in the shot with the yarn show how it works, but I'll show you in the next couple of days with this group.

  11. Hello Boud, I just surfed on in and had a lovely time looking at your blog. Your grocery delivery looks a lot like mine, though the butter brand and the chocolate covered cherries, I haven’t seen those down here in Virginia. I’ll have to do a more thorough search 🔍. Chocolate covered cherries would be very well received in this house! I look forward to seeing your doll too. I am British but have been over here for 49 years now. I tried to follow your blog without success, have had this problem elsewhere and a search I did said blogger is slowly phasing this out. If I got that right what a shame. Anyhow, just wanted you to know I tried. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you for persevering. You can follow from your reading list, the manage function just enter the URL of the blog to follow. Anyway that's how I've followed you.

  12. I definitely think your diet is one reason your so healthy. Also being involved with so many interests helps immensely.
    Many times I get asked if I get bored with my simple life. I tell them I don’t have time to get bored

  13. It's raining here, though one county north was blasted with lake effect snow yesterday. Up to eight inches. I understand last night's football game in Cleveland was nearly impossible to play.

    1. North of here was substantial snow, but we ducked it.

  14. So the first phase of 'doll' is striped hat...I'm eager to see how it transforms.

    Glad you had a good soaking!

    Chris from Boise

    1. That's the entire doll. Stitching gives it shape. You'll see.
      I'm so happy with the rain despite complaining about it being wet!


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